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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 09/04/2008 : 06:09:02
Please could someone else post the rules as I don't know how to copy and paste on my telephone?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/08/2008 : 06:26:09
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by lemmycaution

V&V to here.

Chocky, I must be missing something. I don't understand your review for 'The Prestige'.

I took it to mean that the two actors were playing against their own nationalities. Bale was born in Wales, Jackman's Australian.

Hope this helps.

I understand (and knew) what you have said. But Bale is not playing against his nationality, is he? Wales is part of Great Britain. Doesn't that make him British? Isn't Jackman's character British, as well, so where does "American" come in?

Bale has the worst cockney accent in that film since Dick Van Dyke did Burt in Marry Poppins (although Bale's cockney is a tad better, it sounds just as fake). And Jackman plays an American, not a Brit in this film.

Perhaps I should change that review to "Jackman's American; Bale's Cockney?".


Okay, now that this round is over, I've edited this review and hope the MERPs get it through quickly with all its votes in tact.

Thanks all!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/07/2008 : 23:50:00

It was only business.

Airbolt Posted - 09/07/2008 : 22:58:17
Canklefish Posted - 09/07/2008 : 22:42:11

BaftaBaby Posted - 09/07/2008 : 22:06:15

Josh the cat Posted - 09/07/2008 : 21:42:51

Josh the cat
lemmycaution Posted - 09/07/2008 : 15:23:36
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by lemmycaution

V&V to here.

Chocky, I must be missing something. I don't understand your review for 'The Prestige'.

I took it to mean that the two actors were playing against their own nationalities. Bale was born in Wales, Jackman's Australian.

Hope this helps.

I understand (and knew) what you have said. But Bale is not playing against his nationality, is he? Wales is part of Great Britain. Doesn't that make him British? Isn't Jackman's character British, as well, so where does "American" come in?

Bale has the worst cockney accent in that film since Dick Van Dyke did Burt in Marry Poppins (although Bale's cockney is a tad better, it sounds just as fake). And Jackman plays an American, not a Brit in this film.

Perhaps I should change that review to "Jackman's American; Bale's Cockney?".

randall Posted - 09/07/2008 : 14:51:30
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/07/2008 : 12:06:50
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Bale has the worst cockney accent in that film since Dick Van Dyke did Burt in Marry Poppins (although Bale's cockney is a tad better, it sounds just as fake). And Jackman plays an American, not a Brit in this film.

Perhaps I should change that review to "Jackman's American; Bale's Cockney?".

CL - you are totally right about Jackman - it's public knowledge he based his character on a 'prestigious' American

And he actually does a good job with it - for the most part. One or two slips here and there, but nothing glaring.
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/07/2008 : 08:30:01
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Bale has the worst cockney accent in that film since Dick Van Dyke did Burt in Marry Poppins (although Bale's cockney is a tad better, it sounds just as fake). And Jackman plays an American, not a Brit in this film.

Perhaps I should change that review to "Jackman's American; Bale's Cockney?".

CL - you are totally right about Jackman - it's public knowledge he based his character on a 'prestigious' American

ChocolateLady Posted - 09/07/2008 : 07:55:50
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by lemmycaution

V&V to here.

Chocky, I must be missing something. I don't understand your review for 'The Prestige'.

I took it to mean that the two actors were playing against their own nationalities. Bale was born in Wales, Jackman's Australian.

Hope this helps.

I understand (and knew) what you have said. But Bale is not playing against his nationality, is he? Wales is part of Great Britain. Doesn't that make him British? Isn't Jackman's character British, as well, so where does "American" come in?

Bale has the worst cockney accent in that film since Dick Van Dyke did Burt in Marry Poppins (although Bale's cockney is a tad better, it sounds just as fake). And Jackman plays an American, not a Brit in this film.

Perhaps I should change that review to "Jackman's American; Bale's Cockney?".

ChocolateLady Posted - 09/07/2008 : 07:47:42
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

Redpen I don't think Sal would be interested in going to bed with Chocky

Josh the cat

Well... if we did, then I'm sure it would be to get a good night's sleep!

(At least I would - I can't vouch for Sal getting much sleep. I snore like a train wreck!)
Salopian Posted - 09/07/2008 : 01:17:27
Duck Hunted is about ducks out for revenge.

In 30 Days of Night, pretty much the whole of Barrow (the one in Alaska, not the Lancashire town on the Furness peninsula) is set alight.

Bella gives Accio a small car in My Brother Is an Only Child, and then he starts avoiding her.

Roscoe Jenkins is embarrassed about his family in the South.
lemmycaution Posted - 09/06/2008 : 22:30:40
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by lemmycaution

V&V to here.

Chocky, I must be missing something. I don't understand your review for 'The Prestige'.

I took it to mean that the two actors were playing against their own nationalities. Bale was born in Wales, Jackman's Australian.

Hope this helps.

I understand (and knew) what you have said. But Bale is not playing against his nationality, is he? Wales is part of Great Britain. Doesn't that make him British? Isn't Jackman's character British, as well, so where does "American" come in?
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/06/2008 : 22:10:28
Originally posted by lemmycaution

V&V to here.

Chocky, I must be missing something. I don't understand your review for 'The Prestige'.

I took it to mean that the two actors were playing against their own nationalities. Bale was born in Wales, Jackman's Australian.

Hope this helps.

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