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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 08/08/2008 : 09:41:16
Welcome to...
Nought for consideration #5

Thought I'd mix it up this month, lure some of our more aloof reviewers in with a PKMN teaser... Sorry for the misnomer, but... Sensationalism sells, and this thread is all about you... Get your reviews noticed...

Do you have a few zero 'voted reviews' you'd like to submit for consideration? Well, many of us do... It can be tough getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough viewing,
but with the help of this thread, steps can be taken to remedy the situation.

Simply post one(Hell, post several) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know me to peruse your pages casually, but if you submit here, then you're guaranteed a viewing. I hope you'll view mine also, but the one rule of this post is that you're not obligated to do so; I've simply found this to be a proactive way to fill an occasional Fwiffering weekend.

Some zeros need to remain zeros, I recognize that all too well by viewing my own bottom-dwelling reviews, but if you've got some reviews you feel haven't been given proper attention, then feel free to submit them here.

I look forward to diggin' up some hidden gems.

This post(formerly known as 'Zero to Hero') is currently slotted for the 2nd Friday of every month. Let's get those zeros some attention!

Thanks to everybody for your past/present/future inspiration and participation...

This has actually been a rather fruitful post in the past, but this month I thought I'd strive for more... Hope to see ya!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/11/2008 : 14:20:25
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Thanks Canks! Got everyone to here. Hear hear!

Did I go back and mop up the gems I'd missed? You betcha!

hustleboy007 Posted - 08/11/2008 : 03:27:36
00, love to love ya, bay-bay!
Larry Posted - 08/10/2008 : 22:52:52

Voted - that was fun.
Yukon Posted - 08/09/2008 : 20:19:19
Take a look at my bottom (voted reviews).
Sludge Posted - 08/09/2008 : 18:13:40
CankleFetish sent me a note asking how to get all your zeroes on one page.

Step 1 - sort by...
Sort by review votes. I click on "review votes" until the arrow is pointing down. You could make this easier as I mention below by having them run zeroes first. The advantage would be that if you get votes those reviews will bump to beyond the zero voters. Disadvantage is that (I think) you get reverse-alpha on the film titles then.

Step 2 - Get to the first zero
Locate the page where zeroes start. In the URL, the number following "start=" is the first review on this page. I up the start= number until I get to my first zero.

Step 3 - expand to cover all of your zeroes
I didn't have quite 1000 but nearly that number, so you can do same as me since all of our voted reviews are now 'above' the page we're starting with, and all the zeroes are on this page or after. In the URL in my browser address bar, I up the "Rows=" number in the URL to 1000.
thefoxboy Posted - 08/09/2008 : 07:51:59
Hoping you will find one or two to vote on.

Be nice, I've been bed ridden with a fever for the last 3 days.
Canklefish Posted - 08/09/2008 : 05:52:28
Well, where were we...

Oh yeah, V & V'ed to here thru Yukon
Sludge Posted - 08/08/2008 : 23:34:40
I don't know about ducks, but I have almost 1000 goose eggs.

(updated link - back to the zero line after Cankle vote-slammed the page)

Okay, many of these suck. But zero votes for Abbott & Costello Meet the Keystone Kops is, in my very humble opinion, criminal.
Josh the cat Posted - 08/08/2008 : 23:23:21
Josh the cat is in
lemmycaution Posted - 08/08/2008 : 19:33:15
Nought to be left out.
randall Posted - 08/08/2008 : 18:57:17
All for naught.
Canklefish Posted - 08/08/2008 : 11:59:11
Originally posted by Larry

Damn the torpedoes, I'm in full speed ahead.

You always are... Am currently seeking out your reviews
Larry Posted - 08/08/2008 : 11:46:36
Damn the torpedoes, I'm in full speed ahead.
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/08/2008 : 11:36:09
Thanks Canks! Got everyone to here. Hear hear!

Canklefish Posted - 08/08/2008 : 11:31:34
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by CankleFetish

Originally posted by Salopian

Damn U China

Gotcha, but... for some reason I can never bring myself to vote for your 'Duck Soup' stuff. Must be a personal preference, no other way to explain it.


Just allergic to sal's preparation of 'Duck' for awhile, I guess.

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