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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 12: anagrams

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2008 : 00:26:19
The challenge this time is to post reviews featuring anagrams. Each review can contain either an anagram of something relevant to the film (such as all or part of its title, a character name or a key phrase) or two/three/four configurations of any set of letters. However, please don't post anagrams which are provided by the film and with which nothing else has been done (such as "Stanley Yelnats digs holes").

I have chosen this theme because Cheese_Ed requested it some time ago and because anagrams can be either straightforward or ars magna.

Please post a specific link to each review and give clear spoiler warnings where appropriate.

You are welcome to post existing reviews (although asked to limit it to your best ten at most), but you are particularly encouraged to write new ones fitting the requirement.

Like all challenges, this will be completely open-ended, due to the delay in approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!

Other challenges:
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 1: alliteration
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 2: puns on film titles
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 3: turn a phrase
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 4: The Man Who Knew Infinity
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 5: uniqueness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 6: lengthiness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 7: matching reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 8: find the hidden message
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 9: going for a song
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 10: responses
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 11: rhyme
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 12/27/2010 : 08:39:46
Anagrams which can also also synonyms.
Salopian Posted - 04/17/2010 : 14:15:59
Room for another one.

Yob boy?

This didn't do too well in the F.Y.C.T.H. so I thought I'd add it here. I mean both that the film reflects badly on the actress and that the event reflects badly on her character.

Inspired by Countdown.
Larry Posted - 08/03/2009 : 02:46:55
I forgot about this string. Here's three:



Salopian Posted - 08/03/2009 : 01:12:57
A newish one.
Salopian Posted - 08/13/2008 : 00:04:03
I'd forgotten that I had both of these and think I'll delete the first one. Done.
Salopian Posted - 08/06/2008 : 23:41:20
Originally posted by Salopian

I have got to get a four-way anagram through if it's the last thing I do (not that I have tried before).

They didn't have to catch wild animals, did they?
Salopian Posted - 08/06/2008 : 13:03:27
In the U.R.L., make it Rows=1 and if need be change it from Start=1.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/05/2008 : 12:32:35
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I tried to pare my list down once I actually read Sal's rules. Now I'm only slightly in violation.

I only added that request previously because in some categories people can just post tens and tens of reviews; I should have (and now have) removed it for this round where there would not be that many submissions.

However, you do need to change some of your links so that they only show the relevant reviews.

I couldn't figure it out!
Salopian Posted - 08/04/2008 : 16:57:45
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I tried to pare my list down once I actually read Sal's rules. Now I'm only slightly in violation.

I only added that request previously because in some categories people can just post tens and tens of reviews; I should have (and now have) removed it for this round where there would not be that many submissions.

However, you do need to change some of your links so that they only show the relevant reviews.
chazbo Posted - 08/02/2008 : 17:58:24
Here's my humble and very simple submission: a brand new one for Ratatouille.

rabid kazook Posted - 08/02/2008 : 14:05:27
one very inconvenient

Salopian Posted - 08/02/2008 : 01:05:48
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005) - This Sith hit's shit.

I forgot about this Swiss Gang Bang review which I think was inspired by your review.

Ch_Ed, I had already voted for most of yours, as I am keen on both your reviews in general and anagrams, but I somehow hadn't seen that one. It's so good. I also love the fact that so many of yours include the aforementioned anagram indicator. It just goes to prove that there is so much more quality on this site than just lazy puns.

RockGolf, that's a bad link. However, upon getting to the right review, I had already voted for it. I have got to get a four-way anagram through if it's the last thing I do (not that I have tried before).
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/01/2008 : 20:16:14
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005) - This Sith hit's shit.

I forgot about this Swiss Gang Bang review which I think was inspired by your review.

Love it, hadn't seen that one before!
RockGolf Posted - 08/01/2008 : 19:29:18
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005) - This Sith hit's shit.

I forgot about this Swiss Gang Bang review which I think was inspired by your review.

(Link updated - it move to my most popular review of the film!)
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/01/2008 : 13:06:05
I've been a waiting for this topic.

Bingo! The Documentary (1999) -(ana)Gram�s big on bingo.

Dorf Goes Auto Racing (1990) - Dorf turns Ford?

Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy (1996) - Mood rearranging spells doom.

The Descent (2005) - Da cavers become cadavers.

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (2005) - This Sith hit's shit.

Omen, The (2006) - Live vile evil, Liev.

Dr. Jekyll And Ms. Hyde (1995) - Dr. Jekyll driven inSean.

I Was A Teenage Zombie (1987) - DOAlescent.

Joe, The Educated Orangoutang, Undressing (1898) - Orangutan, u tan organ.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - Master Splinter: Martial ratist.

Star Wars Gangsta Rap (2000) - Obi-NWA?
Star Wars Gangsta Rap (2000) - Darth Va-Dre?

I tried to pare my list down once I actually read Sal's rules. Now I'm only slightly in violation.

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