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 Sean's FYCTH #428

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/04/2008 : 06:11:27

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Twiddle-di-dee, Twiddle-di-dum!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sludge Posted - 08/10/2008 : 19:33:08
lemmycaution Posted - 08/07/2008 : 03:04:44
Voted, predictably.
Salopian Posted - 08/07/2008 : 01:33:59
Originally posted by demonic

if you expect something to be bad you can't be disappointed with it?

I think that's the case, unless you mean that something may be in some ways predictable and mediocre even in its unpredictable parts. People often confuse finding something expectedly mediocre with finding it disappointing.
Yukon Posted - 08/07/2008 : 01:17:03
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

The review, which I believe is spoiler-free, reads.....

Do I really have to spell out why it is still a potential spoiler?

For once, I agree with Salopian.
randall Posted - 08/07/2008 : 01:09:32
demonic Posted - 08/07/2008 : 01:09:25
I think the answer to that is obvious - yes, one can.

Aren't you confusing the idea that if you expect something to be bad you can't be disappointed with it?
Salopian Posted - 08/07/2008 : 00:48:52
If something's predictable, one cannot really be disappointed by it, can one?
demonic Posted - 08/07/2008 : 00:10:37
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat


Personally I thought the end of the last HP book was predicable and rather disappointing.

Josh the cat

Personally I think all the HP books are predictable and disappointing.
Josh the cat Posted - 08/06/2008 : 23:52:02

Personally I thought the end of the last HP book was predicable and rather disappointing.

Josh the cat
Salopian Posted - 08/06/2008 : 22:34:59
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

The review, which I believe is spoiler-free, reads "Final tests. Harry passes." It could equally mean that Harry graduates from Hogwarts or in the final battle with Voldemort, Harry dies. The ambiguity is intentional.

Thanks for repeating it here so that it couldn't be avoided. (I plan to go through all reviews for that pair of films once I read the book, so it does not matter from an F.Y.C.T.H. point of view that I skip over them in the meantime.)

Do I really have to spell out why it is still a potential spoiler? People might just be capable of reading between the lines, you know! By this, I mean that if Harry died I really do not think you would even say so ambiguously without treating it as a spoiler. It's therefore also a bit of a spoiler in telling us that he goes back to school, which is quite a major change from the end of the sixth book. (I hadn't read the review before and my thinking it was a spoiler was based on it having any wording that ambiguously stated that Harry lives/dies.) Please do not disabuse me if I am wrong in this -- hopefully I am and will get a surprise when I read it.
demonic Posted - 08/06/2008 : 21:38:47
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/06/2008 : 21:17:14
what a lot
you got

Larry Posted - 08/06/2008 : 21:08:40

chazbo Posted - 08/06/2008 : 20:00:07
Mi 3.

[matt] Posted - 08/06/2008 : 18:13:49

Me too.

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