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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 11: rhyme

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 07/08/2008 : 19:18:18
The challenge this time is to post reviews which rhyme. By this, I mean ones which rhyme with themselves, not which rhyme with things external to them (i.e. puns). It is up to each person to judge what rhymes with what, but only a lame-brain likes half-rhymes.

I have chosen this theme because it should be simple and straightforward, whereas challenge 10 is more specialised and controversial.

Please post a specific link to each review and give clear spoiler warnings where appropriate.

You are welcome to post existing reviews (although please try to limit it to the best ten at most), but particularly encouraged to write new ones fitting the requirement.

Like all challenges, this will be completely open-ended, due to the delay in approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!

Challenges so far

F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 1: alliteration
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 2: puns on film titles
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 3: turn a phrase
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 4: The Man Who Knew Infinity
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 5: uniqueness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 6: lengthiness
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 7: matching reviews
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 8: find the hidden message
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 9: going for a song
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 10: responses
F.W.F.R.ers' challenge no. 11: rhyme
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2008 : 00:04:41
My oldest review

How not to do it

Interesting how orthography affects one's perception of syllabification.

Go go go go

Gearstix pic

Green God


Tip top

Salopian Posted - 07/16/2008 : 16:50:49
Originally posted by chazbo

Not sure if this challenge is still on

They are all on indefinitely (and there's no obligation to visit any links anyway).
chazbo Posted - 07/16/2008 : 16:06:13
Not sure if this challenge is still on, but I just realized I hadn't gotten to the second page. Finished now.

demonic Posted - 07/14/2008 : 19:59:13
A second selection - just single rhymes this time.

Best In Show

Clash of the Titans

The Conversation

Deep Blue Sea


Howl's Moving Castle

Judgment at Nuremberg

Mission: Impossible


lemmycaution Posted - 07/11/2008 : 17:48:29
Son of Blob.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/11/2008 : 08:12:01
Some good ones here, guys. Got everyone so far!
Larry Posted - 07/11/2008 : 03:39:12
Here are some more -- enjoy!

Beer League

I Married a Monster from Outer Space

Made of Honour

Days of Thunder

Vantage Point

Hottie and the Nottie (x2)

Above the Rim
Larry Posted - 07/10/2008 : 16:55:58
Running out of lunch-hour time. Here's a few to get started:


Don't go in the woods

Walking Fish
demonic Posted - 07/10/2008 : 16:37:06
Cheers Choccy, got most of yours too.

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by demonic

Saving Private Ryan
The Hours

Bad links.

Thank you Sal, fixed them now.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/10/2008 : 08:33:07
Raging Bull

About Schmidt

A Chorus Line

Whatever Happened To Aunt Alice?



Salopian Posted - 07/10/2008 : 08:09:13
Originally posted by demonic

Saving Private Ryan
The Hours

Bad links.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/10/2008 : 06:37:11
Here are a few of mine, and I'll add more later:

Pretty Woman

The Other Boleyn Girl

Price Above Rubies


(Got everyone so far. Already had voted on almost all of yours, demonic!)
demonic Posted - 07/10/2008 : 02:59:37
A first selection while I get my rhyming head in gear... spoilers are marked with a

Hollow Man (sort of)
Mars Attacks! (cheating here...)

Two and Twos:
Manon des Sources
Saving Private Ryan

The Hours
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Pretty Woman (sort of)
Shaun of the Dead
Salopian Posted - 07/09/2008 : 23:21:35
Originally posted by Mr Savoir Faire

The shortest tripple rhyme?

Oh no no no
Mr Savoir Faire Posted - 07/09/2008 : 20:34:33
I have a few of these:

Also a candidate for a long review.

The shortest tripple rhyme?

Technically none of these words rhyme if they are pronounced correctly.

My best rhyming review. Four rhymes and all have a 'c' at the beginning.(almost!)

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