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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 06/27/2008 : 00:55:06
If you visit mine, I will visit yours.

(1) It has to be your eighth highest 100 unless
(a) you have fewer than 800 reviews, in which case it can be your lowest 100, or
(b) you have fewer than 100 reviews, in which case it can be all of them.
(2) It has to be your actual eighth highest 100, not the eighth highest 100 unvoted by me.
(3) You may only post your own page.
(4) New condition: You have to visit every valid link posted.
(5) You may not post just to say that you have viewed and/or voted (that can be taken as read), although you are welcome to highlight specific reviews.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Yukon Posted - 07/09/2008 : 03:33:07
Finally V&V!
Beanmimo Posted - 07/05/2008 : 16:56:12

Nice one Sal,

well done everyone else.
Salopian Posted - 07/05/2008 : 00:55:55
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Salopian--Dear America--Good Mourning Vietnam

Thanks. Hopefully it doesn't come across as glib: I tried to punctuate it so that it didn't.
lemmycaution Posted - 07/01/2008 : 03:03:06
These stood out for me:

Salopian--Dear America--Good Mourning Vietnam

thefoxboy--Mr. Bean's Holiday--Bean seen in Cannes

BaftaBabe--Potemkin--Czarist navy challenged step-by-step

Beanmimo--Duel--Long and Weaving Road

demonic--Land of the Dead--Romero's franchise resurrected

Yukon--Happy Christmas--The Trench Connection

Ali--I'm Not There--They're all Bob, babe

Ali Posted - 06/30/2008 : 16:56:25
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Beanmimo

Out In Nature: Homosexual Behaviour In The Animal Kingdom (2001)
Big Gay Alligator.


Thanks. That was one of those ones just begging to be written by somebody.

And that somebody should have been me, damn it!
Ali Posted - 06/30/2008 : 07:38:15

Eight is the loneliest number.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/29/2008 : 17:50:47
Puke (1997)
Doesn't bear repeating.

Pearl Harbor (2001)
Waterships Downed.

Amputating A Leg (1902)
Edison starts Saw franchise.

Remains Of The Day, The (1993)
What the butler missed.

Dish Ran Away With The Spoon, The (1933)
A fleeing saucer

and finally

Dear America: Letters Home From Vietnam (1987)
Lets Saigons be Saigons.

Salopian Posted - 06/27/2008 : 23:26:44
Originally posted by Salopian

(5) You may not post just to say that you have viewed and/or voted (that can be taken as read), although you are welcome to highlight specific reviews.

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Just wanted to make it crystal that

I'm only highlighting really fav fwfrs


I have VOTED on many, many more

Salopian Posted - 06/27/2008 : 23:20:18
Originally posted by demonic

Sal's "Rowing, rowing" and Touch Wood". Also "Chocolate, but no lady" is the best tribute I can remember.

Thanks. Nah, I've got loads of tributes at least that good. I submitted one for you today, in fact.
Yukon Posted - 06/27/2008 : 22:07:43
Here's my page eight.

I might come back again tonight to check out everyone else. If not, I'll definitely visit everyone a week from now when I get back from my cottage/Niagara Falls vacation.
demonic Posted - 06/27/2008 : 16:04:28
Lots I'd missed worthy of votes! Some favourites:

Sal's "Rowing, rowing" and Touch Wood". Also "Chocolate, but no lady" is the best tribute I can remember.

Lemmy's "Robopup", "Parting Notes", and "Slaughter provides pie filling".

Foxy's "Wolf, geek", "Jim, Beam", and "Pound dog". A two word film reviewer after my own heart..!

Baffy's "Make loaf not boar", "Princess dwarfed by cast" and "Wales. Songs".

Bean's "Channel hopping without remote", "Long and Weaving road" and "Kong fades to Black".

Got a lot of Yukon's already but missed "More Mr. Ice Guy", "Juice. Almighty", "Coffee, employees both hot".

Ali's "I, Ho", "Maria's an iron maiden", "Wanna hold your Handk�se".
demonic Posted - 06/27/2008 : 14:39:54
Love and Eight
Salopian Posted - 06/27/2008 : 14:32:09
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Out In Nature: Homosexual Behaviour In The Animal Kingdom (2001)
Big Gay Alligator.


Thanks. That was one of those ones just begging to be written by somebody.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/27/2008 : 13:57:48
Out In Nature: Homosexual Behaviour In The Animal Kingdom (2001)
Big Gay Alligator.

Beanmimo Posted - 06/27/2008 : 13:50:27

Eight reviews out.

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