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 Se�n's FYCTH - #415

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
turrell Posted - 06/19/2008 : 06:16:08
Se�n's FYCTH - #415
Se�n says:
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
turrell Posted - 06/23/2008 : 06:42:54
Originally posted by Randall

Is it just merlot, or all red wine, that stimulates similar taste receptors in you? If it's the Merlot grape itself, you've a wonderful palate!

Merlot and coffee both stimulate the bitter receptors in your taste buds. I guess Merlot has more of a bitter flavor to it - (not bitter in a negative way - just the kind of taste buds it stimulates) coffee is similiar. But I like Pinot Noir, Red Zins, Cabernets, and almost anything from Rhone (especially Chateneuf du Pape).

So I know what he meant when he hated the Merlots (I don't hate them - I just don't prefer them - in fact I hear Sideways serously hurt the Merlot industry and so you can get a really good Merlot for about 20 - 40% less than it would have cost a few years ago - it weeded out a lot of mediocre ones too).
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/23/2008 : 06:12:25
Originally posted by hustleboy007

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by hustleboy007

Five choices...minus one.

Ah, so I'm not the only person who saw Who's Killing the Great Chefs of Europe.

(But I may be one of the few who read the book first, or at all, for that matter. Great book by the way. Movie was pretty cute and mostly faithful to the book, actually.)
It was a book??

Me, I make it a point to never miss a Robert Morley movie.

Well there is something in that. But yes, it was a book first, and quite a good one, actually. Good enough to not get thrown out or given away every time I have to find space for new books on my shelves. The book is called "Someone is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe" (vs the movie, which is called "Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?") and when I read it, I remember picturing Robert Morley as Max, so I wasn't disappointed when I saw the movie (or rather, accidentally caught it on TV once).

(Too bad you can't buy that one on DVD.)
Canklefish Posted - 06/23/2008 : 02:06:00
Originally posted by Sludge

I agree with the prof. Nice round.

Thanks for the accurate tribute, Cankle.

You got it. Good thing I dropped your name, wouldn't have gotten much recognition this round if I hadn't. Next round, I drop Whipper's name...

V & V'ed to here. I concur on the 'this was a pretty stellar round' front. See y'all tomorrow
Larry Posted - 06/23/2008 : 01:55:29

V'ded and vo'ded.
Josh the cat Posted - 06/23/2008 : 00:38:00
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/22/2008 : 23:49:24

Salopian Posted - 06/22/2008 : 23:10:24
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by turrell

Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by turrell

Shut up - You had at at Merlot!

You do realize that the guy hated Merlot in the movie, right?

You had me doesn't particularly suggest positive or negative for example I hated that guy as soon as he mentioned merlot - he had me at merlot. But how else do you make this pun. Incidentally, I also dislike merlot but perhaps not as much as Giamatti's character and I found out that its because I don't like coffee and that both beverages stimulate similar taste receptors.

Yeah, no other way to make the pun, but you wrote yourself into a corner there; most people would infer a positive connotation because of the source, the famous line from JERRY MAGUIRE on which you were riffing.

The phrase definitely implies a positive response; no two ways about it. However, the Jerry Maguire line isn't about liking the word Hello: it's about liking the person. So the review would work best if you liked Giamatti's character. However, it will also do if you like Thomas Haden Church's character, who makes a point of drinking Merlot. It will probably just about do if you like the film in general, although one does not normally address films in the second person!
demonic Posted - 06/22/2008 : 22:26:56
Yep, great round!
randall Posted - 06/22/2008 : 22:10:17
Originally posted by turrell

Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by turrell

Shut up - You had at at Merlot!

You do realize that the guy hated Merlot in the movie, right? Ah, well, a pun's a pun...


You had me doesn't particularly suggest positive or negative for example I hated that guy as soon as he mentioned merlot - he had me at merlot. But how else do you make this pun. Incidentally, I also dislike merlot but perhaps not as much as Giamatti's character and I found out that its because I don't like coffee and that both beverages stimulate similar taste receptors.

Yeah, no other way to make the pun, but you wrote yourself into a corner there; most people would infer a positive connotation because of the source, the famous line from JERRY MAGUIRE on which you were riffing.

Is it just merlot, or all red wine, that stimulates similar taste receptors in you? If it's the Merlot grape itself, you've a wonderful palate!
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/22/2008 : 21:52:04
did I see a ghost?


lemmycaution Posted - 06/22/2008 : 20:18:06
V&V and welcome back, Spectral Stranger.
Sludge Posted - 06/22/2008 : 17:04:08
I agree with the prof. Nice round.

Thanks for the accurate tribute, Cankle.

turrell Posted - 06/22/2008 : 16:07:40
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by turrell

Shut up - You had at at Merlot!

You do realize that the guy hated Merlot in the movie, right? Ah, well, a pun's a pun...


You had me doesn't particularly suggest positive or negative for example I hated that guy as soon as he mentioned merlot - he had me at merlot. But how else do you make this pun. Incidentally, I also dislike merlot but perhaps not as much as Giamatti's character and I found out that its because I don't like coffee and that both beverages stimulate similar taste receptors.
randall Posted - 06/22/2008 : 10:43:53
Originally posted by turrell

Shut up - You had at at Merlot!

You do realize that the guy hated Merlot in the movie, right? Ah, well, a pun's a pun...

The General Posted - 06/22/2008 : 03:11:13
This was a REALLY good round, all! Lots of great reviews.

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