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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 04/11/2008 : 21:36:33
Nought For Consideration #1

Do you have a page of zero 'voted reviews' you'd like to submit for consideration? Yeah, I think most of us do... It can be tough getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough 'looking at,'
but with the help of this post, we could possibly solve the dilemma...

Simply post one(Hell, post 'em all) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know I peruse your pages casually, but if you submit, then I guarantee I'll have a glance. I hope you'll view mine also, but the rule of this post is that you DON'T HAVE TO. I simply need help filling my weekend.

I'll happily view your submissions.
Looking forward to it...

Some zeros need to remain zeros, I recognize that all too well by viewing my own bottom-dwelling reviews, but if you have some reviews you think haven't been given proper attention, then feel free to submit them here. I look forward to diggin' up some hidden gems.

This post(formerly known as 'Zero to Hero') is currently slotted for the 2nd Friday of every month. Let's get those zeros some attention!

Thanks to everybody for your inspiration and recent support...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canklefish Posted - 04/19/2008 : 03:35:11
Originally posted by Ali


Yo! indeed... No mas on your zero front, plus one I'd missed...
Ali Posted - 04/18/2008 : 07:12:23


lemmycaution Posted - 04/17/2008 : 02:05:12
Zeroed in on everyone.
Canklefish Posted - 04/15/2008 : 01:11:15
Originally posted by hustleboy007

"0" brother, where art thine votes?

I've been asking the same question lately, though the rules clearly state...
hustleboy007 Posted - 04/14/2008 : 00:18:06
"0" brother, where art thine votes?
Canklefish Posted - 04/13/2008 : 05:52:43
Originally posted by demonic

A grab bag of reviews yet to be considered...

Danke schon!

Touched up some of your zeros(not many there to consider), as well as some of those from the page you submitted.

Guess I'm just a sucker for other reviewer's pages, what can I say?!

Perhaps a thread is in order, where we all simply show up and submit a page of our choosing... no doubt it's been done before, but I'd name it, 'Hey, take a look.' Hell, why not, ya know I'd show up and throw some votes every which way.

Demonic, ya got me thinkin' and that can be a dangerous thing. Loved your reviews, as well as those that came before you(and possibly after) in this thread...
demonic Posted - 04/12/2008 : 23:28:18
A grab bag of reviews yet to be considered...

Danke schon!
Rovark Posted - 04/12/2008 : 12:47:34

Thanks to variable quality, I have lots of 0's

But hopefully there's some that deserve a little attention
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 04/12/2008 : 05:56:26
For your consideration
Canklefish Posted - 04/12/2008 : 05:48:49
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Just when you thought your Big 0's will never see the light of day, comes CankleF, riding out of the west, promoter of the goose egg and making something outta nothing. I salute you, sir!

PS those recent votes were from me

Damn girl, you make me sound like a superhero, and I'll be the first to admit... I like it!

It's been a long friday nite for the Cankle, and it's certainly gonna be a long weekend. Be patient with me, as I strive to do all your lower-end submissions some justice. You'll all be tagged very soon, and I'll keep a running tab right here...

Bafta(and, thanx for your 'recent votes')

BTW, thanks for pushing me over the 4,000 vote mark... You people rock!
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/12/2008 : 02:29:59

Much though I hate self-publicity, if you absolutely insist...
lemmycaution Posted - 04/12/2008 : 01:17:52
For your zero tolerence.

This thread has a catchy title.
Yukon Posted - 04/11/2008 : 22:27:31
Thanks to the busy MERPS, I have lots of 0s.
randall Posted - 04/11/2008 : 22:23:41
As I've said before, I love this game!
Salopian Posted - 04/11/2008 : 22:10:00
Thanks, C.F.

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