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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 03/15/2008 : 01:59:13
Do you have a page of zero 'voted reviews' you'd like to submit for consideration? Yeah, I think most of us do... It can be tough getting some of our more obscure reviews a thorough 'looking at,'
but with the help of this post, we could possibly solve the dilemma...

Simply post one(Hell, post 'em all) of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know I peruse your pages casually, but if you submit, then I guarantee I'll have a glance. I hope you'll view mine also, but the rule of this post is that you DON'T HAVE TO, I simply need help filling my weekend.

I'll happily view your submissions.
Looking forward to it...

Credit where credit's due... This, I guess would be an extension of BaftaBabe's 'Movin' on up' post('cuz a 'zero' voted upon will usually move up a page), but I always love to post something, and my zero submissions need much attention.

Enjoy it or avoid it, it's your call...

Some zeros need to remain zeros, I recognize that all too well by viewing my own submissions, but if you have some reviews you think haven't been given proper attention, then feel free to submit. I look forward to seeing 'what's up'

In the spirit of consistency, this post is now slotted for the 2nd Friday of every month I feel froggy tonite, so that's the date I've set.

Come one, come all...

Hell, I even wanna rename it... something like 'Binary Bump: Where zeros become ones', and such... any input regarding this post would be a step in a positive direction...

Let's get those zeros some attention!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 03/28/2008 : 13:19:56
Originally posted by CankleFetish

'Nought For Consideration' is the winner, and new title of this event.

Voting closed the minute I got home from work, flipped on my PC, and stumbled into Fourum. Wish it could've been more structured, but it isn't. Much appreciation for all the input, tho this is just as much your thread as it is mine. Look forward to posting anew in the near future.

Thanks for the votes (reviews and event title).

Have finally visited everyone.
Canklefish Posted - 03/17/2008 : 22:45:38
'Nought For Consideration' is the winner, and new title of this event.

Voting closed the minute I got home from work, flipped on my PC, and stumbled into Fourum. Wish it could've been more structured, but it isn't. Much appreciation for all the input, tho this is just as much your thread as it is mine. Look forward to posting anew in the near future.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/17/2008 : 11:34:37

How about "Nothing Special"?

hustleboy007 Posted - 03/17/2008 : 01:53:03
"Nought For Consideration" sounds good to me - and thanx much for the votes, Canklefetish!
thefoxboy Posted - 03/16/2008 : 22:29:39
"Nought for consideration"
Salopian Posted - 03/16/2008 : 14:48:31
Thanks for the votes.

Originally posted by CankleFetish

5) Binary Bump: Zeros to Ones (2 votes)

My vote's only for 'Binary Bump': it weakens it to add the bit after the colon.

And I'll vote for 'Hatching Goose Eggs' too, but only if it's unhyphenated.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/16/2008 : 08:30:17
Name suggestion:

Hatching Goose-Eggs

PS BIG FAT CANKLE-THANX ... for the votes

aahaa, muahaha Posted - 03/16/2008 : 05:28:47
Originally posted by CankleFetish

Oh yeah, here's mine... Do with it what you will...

just seen...

and I vote for "Nought for consideration"; fits in very well with FYC.
Salopian Posted - 03/16/2008 : 02:44:04
I vote for 'Binary Bump'.

Thanks, C.F.: please feel free to check out my first review here.
Canklefish Posted - 03/15/2008 : 23:49:10
Have visited thru Rovark Sal. Some good stuff out there in the depths of all your pages.

A few title changes have been suggested, so I'll put the entries to a vote. Anybody caring enough to submit a vote can do so here or by PM'ing me with your submission. If I don't receive any votes(and I'd be surprised if I did), then the thread will remain ZTH: Zeros to Heros

* Nought For Consideration (lemmycaution)(3 votes)

* Gaze At Our Bottoms (A Yukon inspired submission)

* ZTH: Zeros To Heros (The incumbent)

* Binary Bump: Zeros to Ones (1 vote)

* Hatching Goose-Eggs (Bafta)(2 votes)

* 1-Up (Bafta) (1 vote)

* Binary Bump (Sal) (1 vote)

* Hatching Goose Eggs (Sal) (1 vote)

I'm counting suggestions as votes(vote for as many entries as you like, it'll sort itself out in the end). There's no deadline for voting(or submitting your pages for viewing/consideration for that matter)... When the next round rolls around, the new title will be attached to it.

So far, so good. Thanks to all who've stopped by(so far) to help make this thread a successful venture. Your input is greatly appreciated... An active Fwiffer is a rewarded Fwiffer.
Rovark Posted - 03/15/2008 : 21:02:26

Zeros to heros?

There's a few that deserve a little more love

I'll be popping by all other posters by and by
Yukon Posted - 03/15/2008 : 19:47:35
Take a look at my bottom ( that is)
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 03/15/2008 : 13:58:24
I'm in.
lemmycaution Posted - 03/15/2008 : 13:52:48
here's my page.

How about naming it "Nought for consideration"?
thefoxboy Posted - 03/15/2008 : 12:18:26
Here's a page of zero from thefoxboy.

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