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 Sean's FYCTH #386

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/10/2008 : 06:09:32

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: The cool thing here is you're supposed to change this bit with each posting - understood?
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chazbo Posted - 03/13/2008 : 03:34:23
Did my chores.

Canklefish Posted - 03/12/2008 : 23:50:26
Slung some votes around
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/12/2008 : 23:37:56
duty done

Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/12/2008 : 23:34:10

Mission accomplished.

Josh the cat Posted - 03/12/2008 : 22:00:12

Josh the cat
randall Posted - 03/12/2008 : 21:40:56
Salopian Posted - 03/12/2008 : 20:44:52
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

- You don't need background on my Avenging Disco Vampires review. I just wanted to point out that after several rejected attempts, I've finally been able to get an approved review that contains a symbol for musical notes.

Um, I can't see it. There are just four there...
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 03/12/2008 : 18:42:43
VV to here.

Underappreciated reviews imo

Whippersnapper's review for Enemy of the State
Cheese_Ed's review for Hip Hop Homos
Airbolt Posted - 03/12/2008 : 13:34:05
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/12/2008 : 07:01:38
Originally posted by Yukon

No worries Chocky, if you think they're different enough, that's fine by me.

Thanks. I do appreciate that.

(Horror films are NOT my genre, so I was pretty proud that I had that one accepted.)
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/12/2008 : 06:59:47
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f
I just wanted to point out that after several rejected attempts, I've finally been able to get an approved review that contains a symbol for musical notes.

Well, it certainly looks cool! Bravo for that one.

Say, Benj - those notes are considered what, exactly - like other symbols?

(Got everyone so far.)
Yukon Posted - 03/11/2008 : 23:23:19
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by Yukon


Your Saw 4 review is a little too similiar to this one:

What do you think?

Hm... Yes, it is very similar, but - and no disrespect intended - I like mine a tiny bit better. It is a touch more simple, and the play on "see-saw" helps it sound more symetrical.

I certainly didn't mean to copy yours - I don't think I even saw it when I submitted it. Do you mind terribly much if I leave mine up?

(Got everyone so far.)

No worries Chocky, if you think they're different enough, that's fine by me.
Salopian Posted - 03/11/2008 : 16:13:53
I'm in.
RockGolf Posted - 03/11/2008 : 11:46:03
We skipped the light fandango, turned cartwheels 'cross the floor

- Eminem's posse is called D12, which may explain my Star Wars Gangsta Rap review. [arch and slightly sarcastic]"Posse" is a hip word that all the cool kids use. [/arch and slightly sarcastic]
- You don't need background on my Avenging Disco Vampires review. I just wanted to point out that after several rejected attempts, I've finally been able to get an approved review that contains a symbol for musical notes.
- Jim Caveziel starred in both Frequency and Passion of the Christ. Both had unusual father-son relationships.
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/11/2008 : 06:31:44
Originally posted by Yukon


Your Saw 4 review is a little too similiar to this one:

What do you think?

Hm... Yes, it is very similar, but - and no disrespect intended - I like mine a tiny bit better. It is a touch more simple, and the play on "see-saw" helps it sound more symetrical.

I certainly didn't mean to copy yours - I don't think I even saw it when I submitted it. Do you mind terribly much if I leave mine up?

(Got everyone so far.)

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