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 Sean's FYCTH #384

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/03/2008 : 06:00:28
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Sean Says: "It's all about the dum dum duh dee dum dum"
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 03/06/2008 : 07:04:25
Vee Vee.

Missed Wildhartlivie and Chocolate Lady unfortunately due to my delay but I've voted for most of CL's top reviews anyway. Should make-up for this in the next round.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/06/2008 : 05:12:19
Originally posted by chazbo


Thanks for the fiver, Yukon.

Thought my Alive review would do better, but perhaps anthropophagical puns ain't in these days.

I voted for it, but I never had much luck with my Alive reviews either!
chazbo Posted - 03/06/2008 : 03:19:36

Thanks for the fiver, Yukon.

Thought my Alive review would do better, but perhaps anthropophagical puns ain't in these days.
Canklefish Posted - 03/06/2008 : 00:19:14
All candidates have been considered, and votes distributed accordingly...
Josh the cat Posted - 03/05/2008 : 23:36:10

Josh the cat
randall Posted - 03/05/2008 : 22:30:00
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/05/2008 : 22:26:41

Salopian Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:35:17
Originally posted by R o � k G 0 1 f

Rat Race was a rather poor update of It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World starring, among others, Brecken Meyer. In both movies a lot of greedy people go on a wild chase for riches. The review is based on the only movie I know where Raquel Welch played a transsexual. (Yeah, I can just see the votes piling up for this one.)

Couldn't it be "Meyer, Breckin: rich?"?
Salopian Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:30:24
Originally posted by Ali

I recommend everyone go see There Will Be blood, them read Mork's review to understand just how great it really is.

I recommend everyone go see There Will Be Blood, just to experience first hand how utterly overrated it is.

Too right.
Salopian Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:25:04
Originally posted by chazbo

Possible spoiler? The review for The Karate Kid obliquely reveals the ending, though I think the plot is so well-known that it doesn't really count as a spoiler. But just in case...

I've never watched The Karate Kid. I don't even know the plot: I assume there's a kid who wants to learn karate (because I know about the wax on, wax off bit) and presumably he fights someone and presumably he wins, but I'm only speculating. The point of spoiler warnings isn't to make guesses about whether people know key aspects of plots, so thank you for not.
Salopian Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:10:31
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

The story of Alexander Graham Bell: - Deals with his wedding ceremony and invention of telephone and both call for rings.

Ya know, I don't think I'd've got that from just the review itself. Had already voted for it, though.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:04:21
Originally posted by Yukon

V&V to here.

Loved Bafta's Menstration review ("Period piece. No costumes')

Thank you kindly, young sir!

Salopian Posted - 03/05/2008 : 19:04:16
Sorry that I cannot give this clue more subtly: Across the Universe features Martin Luther McCoy and...
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/05/2008 : 07:11:02
So far, so good!
RockGolf Posted - 03/04/2008 : 21:32:05
Two new reviews I'm not exceptionally proud of.
Three old reviews I do like.

- Apocalypse Now was based on Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness", so what would be the source for Porklips Now?

- Rat Race was a rather poor update of It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World starring, among others, Brecken Meyer. In both movies a lot of greedy people go on a wild chase for riches. The review is based on the only movie I know where Raquel Welch played a transsexual. (Yeah, I can just see the votes piling up for this one.)

- In Wild Hogs, Tim Allen, formerly of several Santa Clause movies of diminishing returns, joins a motorcycle club of sorts. That bike gang wouldn't be "Satan's Choice" but they might be...

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