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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ali Posted - 01/31/2008 : 07:41:25

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Doorbells, and sleigh bells, and schnitzel with noodles.

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chazbo Posted - 02/04/2008 : 04:39:45

lemmycaution Posted - 02/04/2008 : 03:49:18
thefoxboy Posted - 02/04/2008 : 02:47:37
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

I have to lie to women to get laid. And I don't score much. I got a really small dick... it's pathetic!

Love that scene.
demonic Posted - 02/03/2008 : 23:43:07
Josh the cat Posted - 02/03/2008 : 23:29:43

Josh the cat
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/03/2008 : 20:45:21
good on ya, Whippy!

vv btw

Whippersnapper. Posted - 02/03/2008 : 14:01:15

True. My diet has just passed the 6 months mark and there's just under 73% of a Whippersnapper remaining!


ChocolateLady Posted - 02/03/2008 : 13:40:09
Yeah, I got it too, but then the Whipper and I have diet on the brain these days.

(Got everyone, getting ready for tomorrow's round.)
randall Posted - 02/03/2008 : 11:03:33
V&V. Dieter? Don't worry, I got it.
MM0rkeleb Posted - 02/02/2008 : 18:27:23
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Thanks for your kindness Rock. The "Dieter" pun might be missed by people who haven't seen the film and just assume the title refers to someone on a diet.

Here's my RESCUE DAWN review, which bears a passing similarity...

Or by people who are so familiar with Dieter being a name that they completely missed the pun ...
chazbo Posted - 02/02/2008 : 16:32:22
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

I have to lie to women to get laid. And I don't score much. I got a really small dick... it's pathetic!

Ah, allow me to stump for another Sin City review.

chazbo Posted - 02/02/2008 : 01:15:14
Sorry for the late entry.

Spoiler for Passage to Marseille.

Hint for La Voie Lact�e (The Milky Way): the story follows two pilgrims.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 02/01/2008 : 22:58:05

Thanks for your kindness Rock. The "Dieter" pun might be missed by people who haven't seen the film and just assume the title refers to someone on a diet.

Here's my RESCUE DAWN review, which bears a passing similarity...

RockGolf Posted - 02/01/2008 : 22:38:19
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

OK, no more walrus jokes...

You scored 5/5 Whippie. The review for Little Dieter Needs to Fly is brilliant! (Dieter, pronounced deet-er, is the Germanic-origined name of the title character, a prisoner of war who was nearly starved to death.) Same review also applies to Rescue Dawn, which is the same story (but fictionalized) & director.
RockGolf Posted - 02/01/2008 : 14:56:50
Just had two new reviews accepted, which, ever so temporarily, puts me back in the Top 50 reviewers by quantity.

2 newbies,
3 underappreciated oldies

- Chicago was directed by Rob Marshall.

- Donkey Business stars Edgar Bergen, probably the most famous American ventriloquist of the 20th century (and father of actress Candice Bergen!). His most famous dummy was the monocled, top-hatted, tuxedoed Charlie McCarthy.

- In Crazy People, Dudley Moore (a Brit) plays an American advertising executive who comes up with the brilliant idea of saying true things in commercials. The review is a tribute to a classic Elton John album.

- Over 35 years after recording the 1971 D�j� Vu, the supergoup Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young reunited (for the umpteenth time) to protest the war in Iraq. CSNY D�j� Vu is the filmed concert of that reunion.

- Long true story here. Hope it's worth it. Back in 1970, John Lennon & Yoko Ono went on a world "Bed-In" tour. One stop was in my home town of Toronto, Canada. There a 14-year-old boy (about my age) remembered that the last time the Beatles were in town they stayed at the King Edward Hotel. So, borrowing his father's trenchcoat and his brother's portable cassette recorder, the ambitious lad skipped school, snuck downtown to the hotel and started knocking on every door in the joint, wanting to meet his hero. A kindly maid, spotting the out-of-place boy said "You're here for that Beatle, aren't you?" and remarkably told him the room number. He rushed to the room, knocked on the door, and when it opened said in the deepest voice his adolescent throat could muster "Canadian Reporting". After what seemed the longest pause in history, the man who opened the door jerked his head in the direction of the room where John & Yoko were giving an interview to a CBC-TV crew. The boy went into the room, agog at being so near his idol. Eventually, Yoko's daughter (from a previous marriage) Kyoko began to play with the boy. After the interview, Lennon asked the lad to help him move some luggage, and the two got to talking. The boy asked if he could interview Lennon for his high school paper, and the ebulient Lennon said, sure, why not? That interview, kept by the lad for over 30 years now, came up in conversation between the now-grown up boy and an up-and-coming animator at the NFB - the National Film Board of Canada. The animator thought that this could make a great animated short, and the brilliant resulting film, I Met The Walrus was nominated last week for an Oscar in the short animated film category. You can see a preview of it here on Youtube. And that boy? He grew up to be... well, someone I've never met but it does make an interesting story, doesn't it?

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