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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/21/2008 : 06:10:15
Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Early to bed, early to rise!
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 01/24/2008 : 02:12:10
chazbo Posted - 01/24/2008 : 01:38:10
J'ai voter.

Canklefish Posted - 01/23/2008 : 23:52:46
Voted, and enjoyed this round...

Whippersnapper. Posted - 01/23/2008 : 23:21:52

I'm with them.

Josh the cat Posted - 01/23/2008 : 23:11:09

Josh the cat
lemmycaution Posted - 01/23/2008 : 22:56:49

Welcome back aahaa, muahaha.

Thanks BB for featuring my favourite Brando line.
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/23/2008 : 22:16:19
voted to here

Salopian Posted - 01/23/2008 : 19:29:34
Spoiler for Conversations with Other Women, in which the characters are only listed as 'Man' and 'Woman'. The official languages of Switzerland are French, German, Italian and...
Salopian Posted - 01/23/2008 : 19:29:13
Originally posted by Ali

And a great review, too, by the way.

aahaa, muahaha Posted - 01/23/2008 : 16:46:32

The best in this round imo is Rockgolf's review for the travelling executioner - simple, yet brilliant.

btw, had voted on some of this FYCTH's reviews as a part of my welcome back and congrats celebrations.
redPen Posted - 01/23/2008 : 11:57:34
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by redPen
Sheesh, kids, does a title have to have a Roman numeral in it to be a sequel? Same character played by same actor in subsequent time period smells like sequel to me. They don't require the same writer, director, makeup artist or best boy, do they?

(Just playin, everybody. Point taken. PLEASE don't seriously debate this, as you will be ignored. This site is supposed to be fun, right?)

You are forgiven... this time!

Voted for everyone so far!

(Grumble... grumble... sequels are usually crap... grumble... grumble... Lion in Winter is one of my favourite all-time movies... grumble... grumble... how dare he... grumble... grumble...)

You do crack me up so, Ms. Choc! . . . and both films are among my faves! Not that that's relevant! lol
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/23/2008 : 07:38:28
Originally posted by redPen
Sheesh, kids, does a title have to have a Roman numeral in it to be a sequel? Same character played by same actor in subsequent time period smells like sequel to me. They don't require the same writer, director, makeup artist or best boy, do they?

(Just playin, everybody. Point taken. PLEASE don't seriously debate this, as you will be ignored. This site is supposed to be fun, right?)

You are forgiven... this time!

Voted for everyone so far!

(Grumble... grumble... sequels are usually crap... grumble... grumble... Lion in Winter is one of my favourite all-time movies... grumble... grumble... how dare he... grumble... grumble...)
Yukon Posted - 01/22/2008 : 21:36:54
V&V. Wildhart got 5/5 from me.

Whipper's "The Wives of Others", Cankle's "What a waist" and Bafta's "Train, no sound track" were my faves for the round.
redPen Posted - 01/22/2008 : 17:59:01
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by redPen

Two rookies, three veterans

"A Lion in Winter" was a sequel to "Becket," with Peter O'Toole reprising his role as England's King Henry II.

With all due respect, my editorial friend, wouldn't call Lion in Winter a sequel to Becket, per se. Yes, they both have Peter O'Toole playing Henry II, and chronologically, Lion in Winter does take place after the time when Becket takes place. And yes, in Lion in Winter Henry does mention Thomas Becket. However, Becket was originally a play (in French) by Jean Anouilh in 1959, and Lion in Winter was a play by James Goldman in 1966. Becket really is much more about Thomas Becket and less about Henry II, and is based on fact. Lion in Winter's story focuses on Henry, Eleanor and their sons so it does have historical people in it, but is considered to be totally fiction, as there was no Christmas Court in Chinon, despite the fact that the play is sandwitched between known historical events prior to and after the play's setting.

OK, lecture over.

(V&V'd to here.)

Sheesh, kids, does a title have to have a Roman numeral in it to be a sequel? Same character played by same actor in subsequent time period smells like sequel to me. They don't require the same writer, director, makeup artist or best boy, do they?

(Just playin, everybody. Point taken. PLEASE don't seriously debate this, as you will be ignored. This site is supposed to be fun, right?)
RockGolf Posted - 01/22/2008 : 17:28:24

One Two Newbies, Four Three from my bottom 100.

- In The Travelling Executioner, an electric chair is actually put on wheels and brought from one prison to the next. You may have to think about the last word in the review to get the joke.

- The 1966 Batman movie is the polar opposite in tone to this year's, which is called The Dark Knight.

- The Tiger Woods Story review is also the title of a 1980's Burt Reynolds film. Can you guess which one without looking?

- All Men Are The Same is the English translation of the film's original title in Spanish: "Todos los hombres sois iguales".

- UPDATE: Newly approved review. In I'm Not There six different actors, including Christian Bale, represent different eras in the life of Bob Dylan. One aspect of the film deals with the period where Dylan left Judaism claiming to be Born Again. Later, I believe, he returned to his original faith. Hence, my review is doubly true. Kinda makes it Dylanesque.

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