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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ali Posted - 01/03/2008 : 07:07:31

For Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean Says: Dance, then, wherever you may be!

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 01/07/2008 : 01:57:10
Thrundled on true.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 01/07/2008 : 01:02:17

Trundled on through.
Animal Mutha Posted - 01/07/2008 : 00:18:41
demonic Posted - 01/06/2008 : 23:50:11
V&V. Some lovely stuff this round. Looking forward to the next one too.
Josh the cat Posted - 01/06/2008 : 23:13:05

J[8d]sh the cat
Airbolt Posted - 01/06/2008 : 21:30:06
Beanmimo Posted - 01/06/2008 : 19:40:25

V & V
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/06/2008 : 19:26:32

chazbo Posted - 01/06/2008 : 18:34:22
Finished voting, including noncentz.

Thanks for the link, Randall.

ChocolateLady Posted - 01/06/2008 : 16:28:51
Got everyone and I'm sure the next round will be filled with lots of reviews that will be getting their first votes.

(Hey CankleFetish - I adored your Deliverance review!)
damalc Posted - 01/06/2008 : 15:10:34
visited thru Salopian
randall Posted - 01/06/2008 : 12:18:04
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Originally posted by CankleFetish
You wanna know what I've observed these past few months(11)? Many of the original reviewers are 'sadly absent.' It's not something I'd normally address, but I sincerely wish I'd been here when many of those reviewers were gracing these pages..........

I know what you mean - I wish I'd been about when Noncentz was strutting his stuff. Maybe Benj should set up a Hall of Fame?

centz? The best ever -- nobody else is even close.

Canklefish Posted - 01/06/2008 : 04:56:02
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by CankleFetish

I sincerely wish I'd been here when many of those reviewers were gracing these pages..........

They're still gracing these pages, though, in the form of their reviews. That's the main thing, surely?

Very true, and well put, Sal. Observing the reviews of those who went before me, who no longer submit, is the only way I have to get to know them as reviewers. I reiterate what I said before... I truly wish I'd stumbled upon this site years ago.
Salopian Posted - 01/05/2008 : 23:44:09
Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead is a documentary about Garri Urban, who was falsely imprisoned in the Soviet Union. In Sicko, a Cuban doctor treats American patients.
Salopian Posted - 01/05/2008 : 19:44:48
Originally posted by CankleFetish

I sincerely wish I'd been here when many of those reviewers were gracing these pages..........

They're still gracing these pages, though, in the form of their reviews. That's the main thing, surely?

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