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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Canklefish Posted - 12/01/2007 : 05:00:10
Do you have a page of zero 'voted reviews' that you'd like to submit for consideration? Yeah, I think most of us do... It can be tough getting some of your more obscure reviews a thorough 'looking at,'
but with the help of this brand new post, we could possibly solve the dilemma...

Simply post one of your 'Zero' pages and I'll gladly take a look. Many of you already know that I peruse your pages anyway, but if you submit, then I guarantee I'll take a glance. I hope you'll view mine also, but the rule of this post is that you DON'T HAVE TO, I just need something to help kill my weekend(s).

I'll gladly view your submissions. I can't really guarantee that this will be a consistent post, but HELL, I'll try.

Looking forward to it...

Credit where credit's due.. This, I guess would be an extension of BaftaBabe's 'Movin' on up' post, but I've been meaning to post something for awhile now, and my zero submissions need attention.

Enjoy it or avoid it, it's your call...

Some zeros need to remain zeros, I recognize that all too well by looking at my own submissions, but if you have some reviews you think haven't been given the proper attention, then feel free to submit. I look forward to seeing 'what's up'

Here's mine...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Canklefish Posted - 12/02/2007 : 19:09:14
Now I'll letcha in onna widdle secret, for your eyes only, so everyone else look away now. With ref to your first post on this thread referring to SA:MOU -- I was thinking just the other day that I'd free up the whole SA:MOU thing, since that resistance to stating WHY you like a review has never quite gone away and there are folks who've taken advantage. But anyway - as of Monday, SA:MOU will give you the option to be lazy and just post something that can move up a page, or to accompany your choice with an explanation of why you like it. You know, something a bit more creative than saying you like it because it's a pun. Well, doh! Okay everyone, you can look back now!

Well, I don't understand the resistance to explaining one's interest in a personally crafted review, but perhaps I've been guilty of taking the easy way out on occasion.
Overall though, I've tried to be candid and expressive when it came to my explanations, and will continue do so in the future.

Yukon Posted - 12/02/2007 : 14:50:21
Here is a page of my zeros in need of a hero.
ChocolateLady Posted - 12/02/2007 : 07:06:06
Well, I got everyone so far!
redPen Posted - 12/02/2007 : 06:30:57

None of the kids in school liked us cuz we were such zeroes . . .
lemmycaution Posted - 12/01/2007 : 18:46:50
Originally posted by C8nkleFetish

Originally posted by lemmycaution

My Hero!!!

Thanks for your push, Lemmy... much appreciated.

My pleasure.
Salopian Posted - 12/01/2007 : 15:54:51
Twenty-seven for you, though a couple are not really suitable for voting on. Thanks, C.F. Will visit yours later.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 12/01/2007 : 13:37:52

Zeros as requested.
thefoxboy Posted - 12/01/2007 : 12:44:37
I do have 29.5 pages of zeroes.
Here's one of them.
Rovark Posted - 12/01/2007 : 12:09:28
Nearly half of all my reviews are zeros but only half of them deservedly so, I think. But then I would say that wouldn't I. So what do you think.

My 9th page of zeros

V+V'd 1st page, will visit anyone else who wants to play
ChocolateLady Posted - 12/01/2007 : 10:11:47
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

See I always knew there was a good side of a cankle, so kiss my bottom, buddy!

[And I will reciprocate as soon as I've had some coffee!]

Gotcha, too!
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/01/2007 : 09:20:55
Originally posted by C8nkleFetish

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

See I always knew there was a good side of a cankle, so kiss my bottom, buddy!

[And I will reciprocate as soon as I've had some coffee!]

The best side of a Cankle is the one never viewed... Welcome Baffy, hoped you'd join...

Just a taste... when you get some coffee, I'll vote in earnest...

Voted in earnest...

Earnest thanks, honey -- on both scores. And you now have had the benefit of my caffeine brain

Now I'll letcha in onna widdle secret, for your eyes only, so everyone else look away now. With ref to your first post on this thread referring to SA:MOU -- I was thinking just the other day that I'd free up the whole SA:MOU thing, since that resistance to stating WHY you like a review has never quite gone away and there are folks who've taken advantage. But anyway - as of Monday, SA:MOU will give you the option to be lazy and just post something that can move up a page, or to accompany your choice with an explanation of why you like it. You know, something a bit more creative than saying you like it because it's a pun. Well, doh! Okay everyone, you can look back now!

Canklefish Posted - 12/01/2007 : 08:31:01
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

See I always knew there was a good side of a cankle, so kiss my bottom, buddy!

[And I will reciprocate as soon as I've had some coffee!]

The best side of a Cankle is the one never viewed... Welcome Baffy, hoped you'd join...

Just a taste... when you get some coffee, I'll vote in earnest...

Voted in earnest...
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/01/2007 : 08:18:12
See I always knew there was a good side of a cankle, so kiss my bottom, buddy!

[And I will reciprocate as soon as I've had some coffee!]

Canklefish Posted - 12/01/2007 : 07:58:09
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Well, I've been lucky and as of today, I don't have any zero voted reviews. But if the MERPs accept more of mine, I might have some later, so in the meanwhile I've voted for these pages and will continue to come back to see who else has some zeros they want to burst. Thanks CF!

No zeros? For Real? Congrats, my queue is littered with 'em, but come back and join me when you get some... I'll still visit your pages and vote on some worthy entries...
ChocolateLady Posted - 12/01/2007 : 07:48:04
Well, I've been lucky and as of today, I don't have any zero voted reviews. But if the MERPs accept more of mine, I might have some later, so in the meanwhile I've voted for these pages and will continue to come back to see who else has some zeros they want to burst. Thanks CF!

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