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 Top Ten Round III - Beanmimo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ali Posted - 11/16/2007 : 13:13:31

Following on from the previous two rounds of this game, where reviewers were asked to post their ten favourite reviews of, firstly, theirs, and, then, of others, here is the third round where I�d like to invite you all to post your ten favourite reviews of one particular reviewer. That person, in this particular round, is Beanmimo.

I�d like to keep this going so I suggest, in two weeks time, Beanmimo picks a new reviewer to showcase, and then, after two weeks, that person picks someone else, and so on and so forth. The only rule is that a reviewer cannot showcase the previous two fwiffers.

Have fun, bitches.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rabid kazook Posted - 11/23/2007 : 16:56:16
Seven Year Itch, The (1955) Skirting with disaster.

Friday The 13th (1980) Friday night, Saturday Mourning.

Birth Of A Nation, The (1915) Whities in nighties.

Misery (1990) Caan's ankles wooden go.

I Heart Huckabees (2004) Life's just a sheet.

Corpse Bride (2005) Life's dull, Death's colourful.

Birds, The (1963) Birds on all wires.

Carlito's Way (1993) Benny from the Bronx.

English Patient, The (1996) Two thumbs off.

Blade (1998) New Vamp City.

Ali, cool that you got this going.
Beanmimo, I only have words of praise for ya.
England, sorry.
Beanmimo Posted - 11/22/2007 : 17:13:10

I am slightly overwhelmed by all this attention but it is made easier by the fact that the focus will be off me in just over a week!!

But still there are a few reviews I have forgotten about and nice to see them get an airing!!

Thanks Ali.
Animal Mutha Posted - 11/22/2007 : 16:33:33
Here's my Beanmimo X:

Back To The Future III


Waking Ned

Billy Elliot

The Death of Nathan Hale

The Fabulous Baker Boys

Shakespeare Behind Bars

Cod: A Biography

Murder By Numbers

Some Like it Hot

So many good reviews to chose from, keep up the good work Beanmimo

BaftaBaby Posted - 11/22/2007 : 15:19:18
Originally posted by Ali

We can always list the actual reviews in question, rather than the films, on the next round in order to avoid any confusion, Baffy.

Thanks, Ali -- good to know you're looking out for the formulaically challenged

Ali Posted - 11/22/2007 : 13:38:46

We can always list the actual reviews in question, rather than the films, on the next round in order to avoid any confusion, Baffy.

lemmycaution Posted - 11/20/2007 : 16:29:47
Faves for Beanmimo:

Billy Elliot

Cat From Outer Space.

How Green Was My Valley.

High Anxiety.

Man on the Moon.

Murder By Numbers.

Scarface '83.

Seven Year Itch.

Shakespeare Behind Bars.

The Untouchables.
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/20/2007 : 14:22:36
Yeah, me too.
Good stuff, Bean!

Beanmimo Posted - 11/20/2007 : 13:57:30
I think I've fixed them all but that could be from my point of view. If there are any that are still linked incorrectly do let me know!!
thefoxboy Posted - 11/20/2007 : 03:39:17
Here's my choice reviews, in no particular order, from Beanmimo.

Some Like It Hot
March Of The Penguins
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Fabulous Baker Boys, The
Cod: A Biography
Billy Elliot
Winnie The Pooh Thanksgiving, A
Beanmimo Posted - 11/19/2007 : 17:21:10

Darn, i don't have time to fix this today so will havactha tomorrow.

Well spotted bb
Salopian Posted - 11/19/2007 : 16:44:25
I don't think there can really be a template. You just need to select chronological order (not anti-chronological, so hit the button twice). That's about it.
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/19/2007 : 16:24:08
Apologies Ali and Apologies Beanmimo

I've just deleted all the links to my choices, because clearly I'm using the wrong formula. In fact, Beanie, so are you.

Because if someone else votes on one of the choices, the formula I'm using subsequently points to a different review.

So, this is a super idea, Ali, but I for one would be grateful if you could template the correct formula for links so they remain constant however many votes are logged.

Dunno how else to deal with this, as I just don't have time to guess.

Many thanks for your help,

Beanmimo Posted - 11/19/2007 : 13:44:00
Here are a few of my early favourites.

Reversal of Fortune

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Edward Scissorhands




Blade Runner


The English Patient

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

BaftaBaby Posted - 11/17/2007 : 08:15:45
Originally posted by dem8nic

You seem to be one bean short of a can Baffy.

Thanks, dem -- that's what I get for counting on someone else's fingers

Fixed now!

demonic Posted - 11/17/2007 : 00:18:46
You seem to be one bean short of a can Baffy.

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