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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 10/14/2007 : 19:38:40
If you visit mine, I will visit yours.

(1) It has to be your seventh highest 100 unless
(a) you have fewer than 700 reviews, in which case it can be your lowest 100, or
(b) you have fewer than 100 reviews, in which case it can be all of them.
(2) It has to be your actual seventh highest 100, not the seventh highest 100 unvoted by me.
(3) You can only post your own page.
(4) You cannot post just to say that you have viewed and/or voted, although you are welcome to highlight specific reviews.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Yukon Posted - 10/27/2007 : 18:57:37
The only reason I post who I visited is so that when I look a few days later and I can't remember who I've voted for, I just my list (or in the FYC, where I last said "V&V").

I have three kids in my house four and under so I'm ap retty busy guy. Posted when I V&V is a time saver.

I'v never doubted that everyone else visits my pages.
Salopian Posted - 10/26/2007 : 13:23:30
Originally posted by Rovark

Originally posted by Salopian

here where there is no obligation to view pages other than mine,


I presumed there was an implicit obligation to visit everyone who joined in and therefore it was only good manners to let everyone else know that you have done so.

If we only visit yours, then the thread becomes an exercise in selfishness. For instance, if there are 10 participants, including me, then the only person visiting me would be you. That's a maximum of 100votes for my reviews. You however will have all 10 of us visiting you. Realistically that's a minimum of a 100 or so votes ( at only 10 votes per reviewer) and a maximum of 1000votes. It just becomes a thread to push Salopian up the Total/Average Votes Tables.

If there's no spreading the love between all participants, then this was the last "best" thread I'll be part of.

Your post isn't really in disagreement with mine. There is indeed the implicit assumption that everyone will visit everyone. It's just that I have never imposed that as a condition - it is up to the individual (although in practice I don't doubt that everyone will visit everyone). The fact that it is assumed, though, actually contradicts the need to say that one has done it. If people really want to write down a list of people's usernames, they can readily get around it as some have done by listing favourite reviews. I don't mind people doing that since it is actually interesting.

What do people think - shall I just add an everyone-has-to-visit-everyone condition next time?
Canklefish Posted - 10/26/2007 : 03:05:44
Originally posted by Rovark

Originally posted by Salopian

here where there is no obligation to view pages other than mine,


I presumed there was an implicit obligation to visit everyone who joined in and therefore it was only good manners to let everyone else know that you have done so.

If we only visit yours, then the thread becomes an exercise in selfishness. For instance, if there are 10 participants, including me, then the only person visiting me would be you. That's a maximum of 100votes for my reviews. You however will have all 10 of us visiting you. Realistically that's a minimum of a 100 or so votes ( at only 10 votes per reviewer) and a maximum of 1000votes. It just becomes a thread to push Salopian up the Total/Average Votes Tables.

If there's no spreading the love between all participants, then this was the last "best" thread I'll be part of.

I love these particular posts, 'cuz it gives me a chance to view the other submitters, while knowing that they will also view whatever I have to offer. The FYC posts only give a glimpse into 5 particular posts from any one reviewer.... anyway, I agree with what Rovark had to say, but I would add this... most of the people who enjoyed this particular thread adhered to the standards by which it was set... we viewed everybody's posts, not making it about solely bumping a particular reviewer up the FWFR ladder. At least that's what I got from the experience...
Rovark Posted - 10/25/2007 : 17:50:48
Originally posted by Salopian

here where there is no obligation to view pages other than mine,


I presumed there was an implicit obligation to visit everyone who joined in and therefore it was only good manners to let everyone else know that you have done so.

If we only visit yours, then the thread becomes an exercise in selfishness. For instance, if there are 10 participants, including me, then the only person visiting me would be you. That's a maximum of 100votes for my reviews. You however will have all 10 of us visiting you. Realistically that's a minimum of a 100 or so votes ( at only 10 votes per reviewer) and a maximum of 1000votes. It just becomes a thread to push Salopian up the Total/Average Votes Tables.

If there's no spreading the love between all participants, then this was the last "best" thread I'll be part of.
Salopian Posted - 10/25/2007 : 12:52:45
Originally posted by lemmycaution

They are both good, however!

Salopian Posted - 10/25/2007 : 12:52:15
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by thefoxboy

Well, I'd like to argue the rules of the thread, site or house and do what I like.

You certainly can post whatever you like in any thread. That is why I called it a condition, not a rule - a condition of my visiting your page. I may still visit everyone this time, but I'll be more explicit next time.

Good for you.

And good for you too.
lemmycaution Posted - 10/25/2007 : 12:06:40
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by lemmycaution


Salopian--After Stonewall (both)

Thanks. Was confused as I only have one for that, but I also have one for Before Stonewall, so I guess that was it.

That's it. I was working from memory, and it was only the 'Stonewall' that registered. They are both good, however!
thefoxboy Posted - 10/25/2007 : 10:20:45
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by thefoxboy

Well, I'd like to argue the rules of the thread, site or house and do what I like.

You certainly can post whatever you like in any thread. That is why I called it a condition, not a rule - a condition of my visiting your page. I may still visit everyone this time, but I'll be more explicit next time.

Good for you.
Salopian Posted - 10/25/2007 : 09:59:51
Originally posted by lemmycaution


Salopian--After Stonewall (both)

Thanks. Was confused as I only have one for that, but I also have one for Before Stonewall, so I guess that was it.
Salopian Posted - 10/25/2007 : 09:56:16
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Well, I'd like to argue the rules of the thread, site or house and do what I like.

You certainly can post whatever you like in any thread. That is why I called it a condition, not a rule - a condition of my visiting your page. I may still visit everyone this time, but I'll be more explicit next time.
Salopian Posted - 10/25/2007 : 09:53:35
Originally posted by CankleFetish

I thought I also observed the rules relatively well... didn't just post, but also viewed your post, as well as all others. Did I do something wrong?

LOL, I didn't mean that you shouldn't just say that you have viewed (but fail to have done so) - I meant that you shouldn't say that you have viewed unless it is inferred via a more interesting comment! I just hate "V&V"-type posts. They came from a period in the F.Y.C.T.H. (when I wasn't participating) when people for some reason concluded that some people were not bothering to visit others' pages. As well as wasting time (i.e. by making one think there is a new post worth reading in a thread), therefore, they equate to a lack of trust. It's a bit different here where there is no obligation to view pages other than mine, but I still don't like it.
thefoxboy Posted - 10/25/2007 : 00:44:28
Well, I'd like to argue the rules of the thread, site or house and do what I like.
Canklefish Posted - 10/25/2007 : 00:38:43
I thought I also observed the rules relatively well... didn't just post, but also viewed your post, as well as all others. Did I do something wrong?

Hope to learn the ways of the Fourum...
Salopian Posted - 10/24/2007 : 11:05:37
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Well, at least I'm trying to follow your rules!

Don't worry - that hadn't gone unnoticed. (Ditto for Randall/lemmy/Josh/Ali/redPen/RockGolf.)
ChocolateLady Posted - 10/24/2007 : 10:10:51
Well, at least I'm trying to follow your rules!

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