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 Monty's "I have an idea" round '24'

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 09/12/2007 : 13:01:07
For those of you with multiple reviews for one film, try your luck and post them here!

If you don't have multiples, just post one you think deserves an airing.

The next round starts next Wednesday at 9 a.m. F.W.F.R. time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/19/2007 : 10:50:28


BaftaBaby Posted - 09/19/2007 : 09:56:48

lemmycaution Posted - 09/18/2007 : 20:44:24
Seems so, Peggy. Done the rounds.
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/17/2007 : 12:53:33
Is that all there is?
Montgomery Posted - 09/13/2007 : 18:48:38
Voted to here now. Yes, that was me voting for you. :)

EM :)
Beanmimo Posted - 09/13/2007 : 12:12:29

Spoiler for Star Trek The Motion Picture.
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/13/2007 : 07:09:14
Again, all mine! This is the short film by director Gary Rydstrom, that they show before Ratatouille. Adorable!

(Sorry I'm late - spent all day yesterday cooking for the holiday. No matter, I've now voted for everyone so far.)
Yukon Posted - 09/13/2007 : 01:22:44
Voting on these reviews is as easy as ABC...
Canklefish Posted - 09/12/2007 : 23:28:03
So much time and so little to see... Wait, strike that, reverse it

Guess I went a little crazy with the reviews for this flick, but all the brats deserved their due...

Am currently viewing all the submissions.

Have voted thru Beanmimo...
Good stuff, Sludge!
Sludge Posted - 09/12/2007 : 23:05:51
Jump me in

American Pie

you've been warned
rockfsh Posted - 09/12/2007 : 20:29:55
Whip, "Pilau talk" is also a pidgen phrase.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/12/2007 : 19:50:56
Originally posted by rockfsh

Whip "pilau" is also a Hawaiian word.
Look it up here:
I couldn't link directly to the "pilau page" but when I saw your review, I cracked up.

Thanks Rockfsh!

It seems as if neither my Hindi nor my Hawaiian pidgin were up to much when I wrote these reviews!

Your meaning is not generally known here in England, but the rice meaning is well-known as we have a large Indian sub-continent population and plenty of their restaurants.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 09/12/2007 : 19:43:09
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

I didn't realise that you were now American. Also interesting that the dal entry on that site gives dhal as an alternative spelling, but not dahl. The dh represents one letter in Hindi, and there is no h letter before the l.

But as you prefer.

Actually, I do not have the honour of being American, I have the honour to be English.

And I don't speak Hindi, so I wouldn't be aware of such things. But thank you for the lesson.

If its of any importance to you, please feel free to report it as a spelling mistake. I will be just as happy if its spelt dal, dhal or dahl. Any recognisable spelling form is fine with me. By all means put my agreement to the change in the notes if you like.

Meanwhile, the rest of us will get on with what we consider, rightly or wrongly, to be more important things in our lives.

Montgomery Posted - 09/12/2007 : 18:33:01

I'll Abide by your decisions.

Salopian Posted - 09/12/2007 : 18:26:57
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

I didn't realise that you were now American. Also interesting that the dal entry on that site gives dhal as an alternative spelling, but not dahl. The dh represents one letter in Hindi, and there is no h letter before the l.

But as you prefer.

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