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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 08/15/2007 : 10:10:17

MIHAI - Monty's "I have an Idea"

For those of you with multiple reviews for one movie try your luck and post them here!!

If you don't have multiples just post one you think deserves an airing.

Next round starts next wednesday at 9am FWFR Time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/20/2007 : 06:52:59
Well, I decided to go with "Roddy complication: flushed Hugh" since otherwise it sounds a bit generic.
Salopian Posted - 08/19/2007 : 16:48:18
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

"Roddy's complication: Flushed"

I'd go with "Roddy complication: flushed". Even without the "'s", it still means a complication relating to Roddy, and is closer to "ruddy complexion". I wouldn't add in "Hugh" - I'd say that was trying to get too many puns into the same review, and hue isn't really used with skin tones. You could always submit a "... Roddy Hugh..." review as well.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/19/2007 : 08:41:38
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Someone liked it. Thanks to whomever and I've hit everyone so far.

It was me. I needed the explanation, though: I think something like "Flushed? Roddy complexion!" would be better (assuming that complexion can pass for complexity or something).

Good point. Or perhaps something like "Roddy's complication: Flushed" would be even better, since his problems start when he gets flushed down the toilet, which is embarrasing.

(I'll think this one over a bit and maybe submit another review tomorrow - since I've already submitted 20 this week.)

Wait... what about:

"Roddy's claymation: Flushed Hugh!"
"Roddy's complication: Flushed Hugh!"

(Hugh sounds like hue, a ruddy complexion gives you a flushed hue... well? What do you think?)
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/19/2007 : 06:59:53
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Someone liked it. Thanks to whomever and I've hit everyone so far.

It was me. I needed the explanation, though: I think something like "Flushed? Roddy complexion!" would be better (assuming that complexion can pass for complexity or something).

Good point. Or perhaps something like "Roddy's complication: Flushed" would be even better, since his problems start when he gets flushed down the toilet, which is embarrasing.

(I'll think this one over a bit and maybe submit another review tomorrow - since I've already submitted 20 this week.)
Salopian Posted - 08/18/2007 : 16:25:40
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Someone liked it. Thanks to whomever and I've hit everyone so far.

It was me. I needed the explanation, though: I think something like "Flushed? Roddy complexion!" would be better (assuming that complexion can pass for complexity or something).
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/18/2007 : 10:38:35
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Got everyone so far.

(Still no one likes my Roddy claymation/ruddy complexion FLUSHED Away review?)

Hurrah! Someone liked it. Thanks to whomever and I've hit everyone so far.
Montgomery Posted - 08/17/2007 : 15:19:06
Voted to here now. EM :)

Salopian Posted - 08/17/2007 : 13:51:18
Several of these have not done as well as I hoped.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/17/2007 : 07:57:14
Got everyone so far.

(Still no one likes my Roddy claymation/ruddy complexion FLUSHED Away review?)
Montgomery Posted - 08/16/2007 : 16:49:23
Voted to here.

EM :)
Montgomery Posted - 08/16/2007 : 16:24:51


redPen Posted - 08/16/2007 : 06:01:56
One set of reviews flew over the rest!

Some optional notes:
Ken Kesey wrote "Cuckoo's Nest" and Nicholson starred in "Easy Rider."

In the original novel, Chief is too weak-willed to escape, and he stays in the hospital. Hollywood changed the end (to Kesey's outrage) and busted him out.

Nicholson--who later played The Joker in "Batman"--has a deck of naughty pictures in "Nest."
Whippersnapper. Posted - 08/15/2007 : 23:39:45

Thank you.

I am now a better-informed person.

BaftaBaby Posted - 08/15/2007 : 23:10:23
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Wasn't sure witch film to choose...

thanks for the tributes Whippy -- but all those reviews aren't really accurate since the film has nothing to do with witches ... in fact the original title was The Naked Temptress.

But, hey - I won't report ya!

Yukon Posted - 08/15/2007 : 21:22:50
These reviews are so money.

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