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 Sean's FYCTH #322

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/30/2007 : 05:58:27

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
w22dheartlivie Posted - 08/02/2007 : 03:39:35
Oiled up and rubbed down, just like in Rocky Horror
Koli Posted - 08/01/2007 : 21:27:01
done & dusted
randall Posted - 08/01/2007 : 21:05:20
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/01/2007 : 20:12:58

whichever way you look at it

lemmycaution Posted - 08/01/2007 : 19:23:47
chazbo Posted - 08/01/2007 : 06:56:30
Voted to here. Will check back tomorrow evening.

Sludge Posted - 08/01/2007 : 04:27:11

Ali Posted - 07/31/2007 : 13:28:56
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Ali

In fact, it refers, almost universally, to a type of Hindi holy man - some without any definitive religious beliefs.

No one can be a Hindi anything (well, apart from a Hindi speaker, Hindi learner etc.).

Of course, you are right. I meant to say Indian, but I debated whether to use that particular adjective, and, in my indecision, managed to err completely.
Koli Posted - 07/31/2007 : 13:12:08
Chosen by the people.

(They have all attracted votes recently the old-fashioned way.)
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:41:47
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

And as for coincidences, your "Shooting Porn" review belongs in the circumcision thread!

I've already posted it there, although I haven't read it since page 2.
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:39:22
Originally posted by rockfsh

I finally make 50 (reviews)

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:35:56
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Cheeni Kum is about an older man (December) in love with a younger woman (May).

How about making this "From Sravana to Phalguna", i.e. using the fifth and twelfth Hindu months? (The Hindu/Indian calendars are a bit complicated, but these would be the best choice.) Or if you don't want it, do you mind if I submit it?

You go ahead and submit it yourself and I'll leave mine as it is.

As for "No Exit", that's a play that practically every American High School student who takes theatre or literature classes MUST own (at least it was back in my day). You can't spend a year in an acting class where someone doesn't do a scene or monologue from it.

And as for coincidences, your "Shooting Porn" review belongs in the circumcision thread!

(I've voted for everyone so far.)
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:14:15
Originally posted by Yukon

Superbad: It's about nerdy high school friends who try to get laid before they go off to university.

Really?! Sounds kinda familiar...
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:11:56
Originally posted by damalc

damalc's in with some good new stuff

I think "CCigarettes" (or at least "CC Cigarettes" or "CCcigarettes") would be better.
Salopian Posted - 07/31/2007 : 12:06:09
Originally posted by Ali

In fact, it refers, almost universally, to a type of Hindi holy man - some without any definitive religious beliefs.

No one can be a Hindi anything (well, apart from a Hindi speaker, Hindi learner etc.).

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