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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 07/12/2007 : 13:07:06
If you visit mine, I will visit yours.

(1) It has to be your fifth highest 100 unless
(a) you have fewer than 500 reviews, in which case it can be your lowest 100, or
(b) you have fewer than 100 reviews, in which case it can be all of them.
(2) It has to be your actual fifth highest 100, not the fifth highest 100 unvoted by me.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
redPen Posted - 07/27/2007 : 04:55:16
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

VV including RedPen - whose FWFR for The Wave deserves more votes -- if you pronounce nazi the American way i.e. not-see and not the other way nah-zee!! Just saying

Wave me goo'bye as I hop off to see Homer S. DOH!

Thanks for the love!
Yukon Posted - 07/27/2007 : 02:05:48
V&V to Red Pen.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/25/2007 : 09:17:38
VV including RedPen - whose FWFR for The Wave deserves more votes -- if you pronounce nazi the American way i.e. not-see and not the other way nah-zee!! Just saying

Wave me goo'bye as I hop off to see Homer S. DOH!

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/25/2007 : 06:59:22
Voted for everyone so far!
redPen Posted - 07/25/2007 : 04:51:09

I plead the fifth highest!
demonic Posted - 07/25/2007 : 01:53:39
And finally I'm finished too. Some great work there, previously unseen. Thanks for the game Sal.
Yukon Posted - 07/23/2007 : 00:52:21
As promised, I just returned from my vacation and have V&V.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 07/22/2007 : 12:30:31
Originally posted by Ali

This kind of thing happens to me often with people, like wildhartlivie, ChocolateLady, BaftaBabe, Whipper, Sean, Yukon, demonic etc., whose reviews I usually check out every ten days or so. When the time comes to visit their pages again on a round such as this one, one can sometimes find it hard to find reviews to vote for.

Aw shucks

I had to search for ones of yours to vote on as well!
Beanmimo Posted - 07/20/2007 : 19:43:51

got everyone noe

Thanks Sal.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/20/2007 : 14:23:11
Originally posted by AliThis kind of thing happens to me often with people, like wildhartlivie, ChocolateLady, BaftaBabe, Whipper, Sean, Yukon, demonic etc., whose reviews I usually check out every ten days or so. When the time comes to visit their pages again on a round such as this one, one can sometimes find it hard to find reviews to vote for.

You do? Every 10 days or so? How sweet of you! I don't usually have the time for anything but all the games we have here. Sal's latest one was difficult to put together the post for, but easy to vote on. Mostly I hadn't voted on the lower voted reviews, so when I got into the upper numbers, it was just open window/close window.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/20/2007 : 12:04:46
Originally posted by Ali

This kind of thing happens to me often with people, like wildhartlivie, ChocolateLady, BaftaBabe, Whipper, Sean, Yukon, demonic etc., whose reviews I usually check out every ten days or so. When the time comes to visit their pages again on a round such as this one, one can sometimes find it hard to find reviews to vote for.

True enough, Ali!
Just noticed that in voting for your loverly stuff on Sal's new thread ... had already voted on lotsa yours! Plus lotsa others!!

but have sprinkled new votes as they grabbed me.

Ali Posted - 07/20/2007 : 11:35:56

This kind of thing happens to me often with people, like wildhartlivie, ChocolateLady, BaftaBabe, Whipper, Sean, Yukon, demonic etc., whose reviews I usually check out every ten days or so. When the time comes to visit their pages again on a round such as this one, one can sometimes find it hard to find reviews to vote for.

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/20/2007 : 11:18:26
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I thought I had pinpointed when I got votes from everyone, but couldn't identify any from you.

Good to know that you're keeping tabs on us.

Actually, you should bear in mind that I previously went through all of your reviews with 1-12 votes, so only new ones/ones previously with 0 votes would be able to get any attention from me. I think this is a very similar scenario to you looking at mine.

Ah... true... that's fine, then.

(Got a smilie you want to add here?)
Salopian Posted - 07/20/2007 : 11:06:05
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I thought I had pinpointed when I got votes from everyone, but couldn't identify any from you.

Good to know that you're keeping tabs on us.

Actually, you should bear in mind that I previously went through all of your reviews with 1-12 votes, so only new ones/ones previously with 0 votes would be able to get any attention from me. I think this is a very similar scenario to you looking at mine.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/20/2007 : 11:02:49
I thought I had pinpointed when I got votes from everyone, but couldn't identify any from you. Never mind, yours probably came in at about the same time as someone else's.

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