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 Se�n's FYCTH #311

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/21/2007 : 06:00:18

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 06/25/2007 : 10:03:20
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

For that, I have to edit the url to .com Bit of a hassle

But you use your home computer, right? Why don't you just log onto each version that gets used? This is what I do at work.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/25/2007 : 09:50:30
Originally posted by Se�n

Easiest way is to hold down ctrl while clicking their link in the left column (with the avatar), that opens up the link you want in a new window (or tab) and it doesn't matter what domain the poster has used.

I never click the links people supply, I use the ones on the left.

It's a good tip, Se�n ... but it doesn't work for other than FYC ... e.g. MIHAI. For that, I have to edit the url to .com Bit of a hassle, but I'd never want to dictate the way people choose to log in.
[The selfish bastards!] -- JUST KIDDING!!!!

Salopian Posted - 06/25/2007 : 09:37:54
On the whole duplicate thing, I think that duplicates across unrelated films are not the best but should be allowed. (Yes, some people got here first. So did Shakespeare - that's life!) However, I think that duplicates across similar films (e.g. biopics/documentaries of the same subject, adaptations of the same book/play etc.) should not be allowed.
Salopian Posted - 06/25/2007 : 09:29:58
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

And for the most underrated reviews of the round, IMHO:
* Sean's lady in the water (clever wordplay)

Thanks. You're one of the two who liked it then.

The puns were good, but I enjoyed the film, so couldn't vote for it.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/25/2007 : 09:19:57
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

VV to here.
* Beanmimo's Bruce Almighty (this had me cracking up)


I was going to go with 'Parting The Red Soup' but then I decided to be brave.
Sean Posted - 06/25/2007 : 05:32:31
Originally posted by zulu

Originally posted by Salopian

I'm in.

Hi Salopian, your link was much slower than the .com links and it logged me out and then my chair caught fire. What is going on with this business? (I was kidding about the chair.)
Easiest way is to hold down ctrl while clicking their link in the left column (with the avatar), that opens up the link you want in a new window (or tab) and it doesn't matter what domain the poster has used.

I never click the links people supply, I use the ones on the left.
Sean Posted - 06/25/2007 : 05:30:02
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

And for the most underrated reviews of the round, IMHO:
* Sean's lady in the water (clever wordplay)

Thanks. You're one of the two who liked it then.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/25/2007 : 01:52:15
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

It irks a bit when I have rejected writing a review because I've found someone has already written it, and then someone else comes along and publishes it and gets a bucketful of votes. On principle that cannot be right.

Sorry Whipper, I disagree.
I noticed B-Rod had the same "It's a Wonderful Knife" for Santa's Slay as I did for Excalibur. It doesn't bother me at all.
I'm sure he thought of the review himself (You tell tell by his other reviews he has a knack for good puns).

You cannot claim a pun for yourself. On principle that's wrong. Here's how I do things. I'll think of a pun and the movie it goes with. I'll Google it and if that pun appears for a different movie, I'm still using it. Otherwise, people who have been on this site have a big advantage over newbies and can say, "I thought of that first, It's mine!" I don't think it's a good way to encourage new people to join the site.

Who cares if the duplicate review gets votes? There's plenty of votes to go around. Do what I do -- if I see a repeated review in the FYC, I won't vote for it.

I know some people say that a duplicate review adds nothing to the site but I completely disagree. When I wrote "Brat out of Hell" a few months ago, I thought it was original. I had never seen it for another movie -- despite the fact that I've been on this site almost every day for the last year and a half. (It turns out there were several other Brat out of Hell reviews).
There are more than 20,000 films and almost 250,000 reviews on this site -- so who cares if a really funny pun is used four or five times, as long as it accurately describes a film?

That's my two cents. I know duplicate reviews really bother some poeple but I just wanted to go on the record and say there are people people who aren't bothered at all.

I hope Benji never adds a duplication rejection feature for the entire site.

I don't want to get into a point by point rebuttal, but please do not misrepresent my position.

I have never asked for a duplication rejection feature, but rather a duplication information feature.

If you feel comfortable with yourself knowingly duplicating an existing review then you will still be able to go ahead and do it.

Josh the cat Posted - 06/25/2007 : 00:37:32

Josh the cat
Yukon Posted - 06/25/2007 : 00:22:30
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

It irks a bit when I have rejected writing a review because I've found someone has already written it, and then someone else comes along and publishes it and gets a bucketful of votes. On principle that cannot be right.

Sorry Whipper, I disagree.
I noticed B-Rod had the same "It's a Wonderful Knife" for Santa's Slay as I did for Excalibur. It doesn't bother me at all.
I'm sure he thought of the review himself (You tell tell by his other reviews he has a knack for good puns).

You cannot claim a pun for yourself. On principle that's wrong. Here's how I do things. I'll think of a pun and the movie it goes with. I'll Google it and if that pun appears for a different movie, I'm still using it. Otherwise, people who have been on this site have a big advantage over newbies and can say, "I thought of that first, It's mine!" I don't think it's a good way to encourage new people to join the site.

Who cares if the duplicate review gets votes? There's plenty of votes to go around. Do what I do -- if I see a repeated review in the FYC, I won't vote for it.

I know some people say that a duplicate review adds nothing to the site but I completely disagree. When I wrote "Brat out of Hell" a few months ago, I thought it was original. I had never seen it for another movie -- despite the fact that I've been on this site almost every day for the last year and a half. (It turns out there were several other Brat out of Hell reviews).
There are more than 20,000 films and almost 250,000 reviews on this site -- so who cares if a really funny pun is used four or five times, as long as it accurately describes a film?

That's my two cents. I know duplicate reviews really bother some poeple but I just wanted to go on the record and say there are people people who aren't bothered at all.

I hope Benji never adds a duplication rejection feature for the entire site.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/24/2007 : 23:39:49
vee voted, yes vee did!

Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/24/2007 : 22:17:15


zulu Posted - 06/24/2007 : 20:10:49
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by zulu

Hi Salopian, your link was much slower than the .com links and it logged me out and then my chair caught fire. What is going on with this business? (I was kidding about the chair.)

My link isn't slower because of the domain (as far as I know); it's slower because I have a lot of statistics on my page. I just prefer If you want to have .com, you can readily change the link in the U.R.L. This is what I do when I'm in an Internet cafe and click a link with a different domain to the one I'm using.

OK, I switched it to dot com and smote 3/5. "Bourne Three" is quality.

I'm all v+v my friends!
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/24/2007 : 19:53:56
Originally posted by Shiv

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by demonic

[quote]Originally posted by zulu
OMG! Even my wife laughed at it!

Hi Demonic
I loved your review, too ... but am assuming you haven't seen this

Or this?

I cannot get this song out of my head now. Tell me - is it piece of pie or pizza pie?!


w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/24/2007 : 19:25:25

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