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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 06/03/2007 : 19:27:12
Time for another round?

If you visit mine, I will visit yours.

(1) It has to be your fourth highest 100 unless
(a) you have fewer than 400 reviews, in which case it can be your lowest 100, or
(b) you have fewer than 100 reviews, in which case it can be all of them.
(2) It has to be your actual fourth highest 100, not the fourth highest 100 unvoted by me.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 06/12/2007 : 14:58:22
Me too. Some really great stuff uncovered and voted on from everyone. Well done Sal!
Yukon Posted - 06/12/2007 : 14:10:54
Finally got everyone.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/12/2007 : 10:00:58
Finally got through everyones pages.

Well done Sal for the continued idea.

later! fwiffers.
Salopian Posted - 06/10/2007 : 00:59:36
Thanks for the votes and comments. I have now visited everyone up to here. Like vice versa, there were some people on many of whose reviews I had already voted.
chazbo Posted - 06/09/2007 : 21:13:13
Phew! Took a week but I've finally gotten through everyone's.

Some great reviews all around, including Bean's and Ro�kGo7f's, whose I've just visited and are still fresh on my mind.

BaftaBaby Posted - 06/08/2007 : 17:04:16
Originally posted by R o � k G o 7 f

Going fourth. Multiplying.

R o � k G o 7 f -- this is lovely stuff indeed!!

RockGolf Posted - 06/08/2007 : 16:31:21
Going fourth. Multiplying.
Salopian Posted - 06/07/2007 : 16:51:26
Originally posted by Beanmimo

In a hundred reviews there are going to be spoliers, why don't you just skip over the movies that you haven't seen?

There might and there might not be. Very few reviews are actually spoilers.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/07/2007 : 16:15:39
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Beanmimo

'Ere there be spoilers

Sal i've hit your fourth, my favourite being

For Your Consideration (2006)
Mediocrities become Oscar wild.

Thanks. Yep, I was quite pleased with that one.

If there actually are spoilers on your page, could you please specify the films? I will still go through the page, but would try to avoid big spoilers if I could.

In a hundred reviews there are going to be spoliers, why don't you just skip over the movies that you haven't seen?
I don't mind that it cuts down on the percentage of movies that will be votes on.

Salopian Posted - 06/07/2007 : 14:52:05
Originally posted by Beanmimo

'Ere there be spoilers

Sal i've hit your fourth, my favourite being

For Your Consideration (2006)
Mediocrities become Oscar wild.

Thanks. Yep, I was quite pleased with that one.

If there actually are spoilers on your page, could you please specify the films? I will still go through the page, but would try to avoid big spoilers if I could.
lemmycaution Posted - 06/06/2007 : 22:56:28
Done the rounds. Some nice stuff.
Beanmimo Posted - 06/06/2007 : 12:03:54
'Ere there be spoilers

Sal i've hit your fourth, my favourite being

For Your Consideration (2006)
Mediocrities become Oscar wild.
BaftaBaby Posted - 06/06/2007 : 10:56:49
WHEW! Got everyone of ya! [including Beanie]
Now, if you were all just as generous ... I'd be a rich woman

Conan The Westy Posted - 06/06/2007 : 10:29:55
I've been visited again by someone. I'll finish doing the rounds next week as I have to finish reports this week.
Salopian Posted - 06/06/2007 : 09:17:48
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

As I understand it, one needs to visit Sal and Sal'd visit back.

That is the only obligation, but in these things most people seem to visit everyone - probably because they want to be visited back. It is up to the individual.

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