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 FWFRers' Challenge #3.1: Turn a phrase

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Downtown Posted - 05/18/2007 : 16:56:31
Okay folks, I wanted to come up with something a little more creative for the next challenge. I decided it might be fun to highlight reviews that make clever use of popular phrases, expressions, and figures of speech. This would include well-known film quotes that have entered into the popular culture (i.e. "Show me the money!") and which can be cleverly applied to another film, but by no means should it be limited to that. Any common phrase, expression, or figure of speech is allowed, and we'll allow both reviews that use the exact expression, or reviews that are puns on common expressions.

I'll be back shortly with some examples of my own. I'm also going to delete my other posts in this thread that are from last week.

Okay, here we are:
The Wright Brothers
A Knight's Tale
M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell And Amen
Revenge of the Killer Meat!

I think many of you may find this to be a bit more challenging than it first seems.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 07/01/2008 : 19:37:03
There's many a slip twixt cup and lip.
Salopian Posted - 06/15/2007 : 13:34:27
Goosey, goosey
The tube
Ready, money
Salopian Posted - 06/15/2007 : 13:18:18
Originally posted by demonic

Hmm. Well, the indentification and encouragement of quality means giving and getting votes doesn't it? I think we're all posting our best examples mainly for that reason.

As I already said, I am happy for people to get votes, but that is not the primary reason for this idea. What you say (emboldened) above is at odds with "I was... considering posting a link to a page of my reviews", which is what I wanted to discourage.
thefoxboy Posted - 05/28/2007 : 02:47:09
Here are some of mine.

Mamma Mia.
White men can't jump & I'll be back.
Saved by the bell.
Unfortunately & Death and taxes.
Shit Happens & Read all about it.
The show about nothing.
Bull shit.
You've got mail.
As the crow flies.
Hasta la vista.
another As the crow flies.

There are plenty more.

demonic Posted - 05/27/2007 : 02:56:55
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by demonic

I think the vast majority of my reviews involve a turn of phrase in some way - so I was either considering posting a link to a page of my reviews or not taking part in this round....

The primary point of these is not supposed to be votes (although I am perfectly happy for people to get votes as a result) - it's meant to be to identify/encourage particularly good reviews in the category in question. Therefore, no one should really be posting masses of reviews anyway.

Hmm. Well, the indentification and encouragement of quality means giving and getting votes doesn't it? I think we're all posting our best examples mainly for that reason. Or am I alone in hoping for that recognition to extend to more than the respect of my peers? If someone does good work the reward we offer is votes - so really it is a vote gaining exercise even if it's dressed up some other way. I love to vote on good reviews - this is another chance to see them....
lemmycaution Posted - 05/26/2007 : 18:44:06
Pixie dusted to here. I am a sucker for this type of review so consequently I had already voted on many of them but I enjoyed them all over again.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/26/2007 : 17:53:42
Some of my contributions that may whet your appetite....

*Beauty and the beast - Pun on "Beauty killed the beast" - the last dialogue of King Kong (both 1930's and 2000's versions)

*Unsuccessful Somersault - Pun on the phrase "falling head-over-heels"

*The Terrorist - Pun on the phrase "darker side of life" - Ms. Dharker played the protagonist

*Tailor of Panama - Pun on the phrase "spinning yarns"

*Gandhi - Pun on the phrase "One man army"

*and most importantly, Stripper Academy - Pun on the phrase "Show me money", 'coz this is the example phrase that Downtown gave.
Salopian Posted - 05/26/2007 : 17:16:33
Originally posted by demonic

I think the vast majority of my reviews involve a turn of phrase in some way - so I was either considering posting a link to a page of my reviews or not taking part in this round....

The primary point of these is not supposed to be votes (although I am perfectly happy for people to get votes as a result) - it's meant to be to identify/encourage particularly good reviews in the category in question. Therefore, no one should really be posting masses of reviews anyway.
TitanPa Posted - 05/26/2007 : 05:38:24
Some of my own

March of the Penguins

Ten Commandments

The Blob

Peter Pan - sounds like Hook, Line, and Sinker.


Superman II

Roof Sex
Yukon Posted - 05/26/2007 : 03:01:55
Here are some of my favs:

"Run tourist, run!"

Rosemary's Baby:
"To heir, not human"

Brokeback Mountain:
"Where queer, antelope play"

"The joy of sax"

Fun in a bakery shop:
"Waiting for good dough"

March Of The Penguins
"Roamin' Emperors."

"Tits alive! TITS ALIVE!"
demonic Posted - 05/26/2007 : 02:36:58
I think the vast majority of my reviews involve a turn of phrase in some way - so I was either considering posting a link to a page of my reviews or not taking part in this round....

But then I slapped myself and realised a chance for votes is a fine and beautiful thing! So here's a dozen from my top page, all twists on well known expressions...
Shiv Posted - 05/26/2007 : 01:35:46
I think these might just qualify

I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (in case you missed this one, the fisherman turns up in Colorado!)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Dude, Where's My Car?
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/26/2007 : 00:19:53
Turning a few phrases:

Ben Hur

The Birds

Mobsters and Mormons

Who is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe

A Star Is Born

Tune in Tomorrow

I Married a Witch

Woman of the Year

Chris C Posted - 05/25/2007 : 22:26:44
I Want Someone To Eat Cheese With
I Was A Jewish Sex Worker
Mona Lisa - the first review. (refers to the old "Scout Job Week", when years ago you would be paid a "bob", or one shilling, for the job done)
The Jolson Story
The Erotic Adventures Of The Three Musketeers
Casino Royale
The Cook The Thief His Wife & Her Lover
Braveheart (It's the main route heading northward out of London).
Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave
lemmycaution Posted - 05/25/2007 : 22:12:14
Some of you will be familiar with many of these:

The Grapes of Wrath


The Godfather

Cats & Dogs

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Animal House

Rosemary's Baby

The Social History of Virginity

Saving Grace (1985)


Dead Ringers

Buffy's Bare Ass Barbecue

The King

Purple Rain

Interestingly enough, there is now a film in release with the title of my Animal House review from a couple of years ago.


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