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 MIHAI Round Eight

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/23/2007 : 09:10:00
MIHAI - Monty's "I have an Idea"

For those of you with multiple reviews for one movie try your luck and post them here!!

If you don't have multiples just post one you think deserves an airing.

Next round starts next wednesday at 9am FWFR Time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 05/29/2007 : 17:33:38
lemmycaution Posted - 05/28/2007 : 16:28:08
Got everyone.
chazbo Posted - 05/28/2007 : 15:48:34
Ah dun a-votin'.

thefoxboy Posted - 05/28/2007 : 05:33:51
Originally posted by Montgomery

Originally posted by Ali

To Serve Man? It's a cookbook.

Just wanted to say that. Because I am ke-ray-zee like that.

Too funny. "I'm Talking Tina. And I'm going to kill you."

EM :)

Love that Talking Tina episode.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/27/2007 : 20:08:16


BaftaBaby Posted - 05/27/2007 : 10:19:58
spread out the votes, you clever peeps.

[uhm - dunno if we're supposed to be reporting back our statistics, but here are mine anyway:]

Kit drifts from Port 9 - 7 = 2 new votes
Arabs shape sex Kit 4 - 1 = 3 new votes
Desert buries Port, plot. 4 - 2 = 2 new votes

zulu Posted - 05/27/2007 : 09:06:45
picked-up the straglers
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/26/2007 : 10:02:42
When someone uses the site in their links or doesn't have the www, I usually just edit the URL in the other window. Of course, if you don't open a new window when you click on the link...

(Voted for everyone so far.)
Yukon Posted - 05/26/2007 : 03:12:03
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by thefoxboy

Here are some crap reviews for you.

zulu, on the film page there is the drop down box, just select "My Reviews Only"

Foxy ... I just cannot believe you spent so much time on so much shit!

I just watched that shit yesterday.

Yukon, I get logged out everytime I click on your links. What's with the no www ?

VVed to here.

Thanks Foxy.

It's very strange. When I cut and paste links on my computer at work (MAC) it never includes the "www" I always have to remeber to add it. But on my home PC, it's never a problem.
Koli Posted - 05/25/2007 : 18:55:14

Blah, blah, blah

Update: I've been everywhere, man.
ragingfluff Posted - 05/25/2007 : 17:48:23

Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/25/2007 : 15:48:06
Originally posted by chazbo

Wrangling's a hard life.

I see that this film has over 350 total reviews. Anyone know which film holds the record for number of reviews?

Probably "Titanic" currently at 528.

Montgomery Posted - 05/25/2007 : 15:13:39
Originally posted by Ali

To Serve Man? It's a cookbook.

Just wanted to say that. Because I am ke-ray-zee like that.

Too funny. "I'm Talking Tina. And I'm going to kill you."

EM :)
Ali Posted - 05/25/2007 : 11:39:42

To Serve Man? It's a cookbook.

Just wanted to say that. Because I am ke-ray-zee like that.
Salopian Posted - 05/25/2007 : 10:22:28
But then of course when you're at work, you cannot possibly be browsing F.W.F.R. I, for example, am currently editing a book and not writing this message at all.

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