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 F.W.F.R.ers' challenge 1: alliteration

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 03/28/2007 : 14:04:51
In F.W.F.R. lore, there is the story of a great challenge, a struggle bewteen pioneers such as noncentz and MguyX. The gauntlet was thrown down to write the shortest review possible. Eventually, noncentz triumphed with the magnificent "Fin" (although I don't love this review quite as much as I did, due to the increasing influence of modern F.W.F.R. standards on my preferences).

I thought it would be a nice idea to lay down another challenge, and then hopefully several more. The current submission limitations lend themselves to spending a lot more time coming up with each review, and many people have expressed the view that quality levels have declined.

I would like to put forward alliteration for the first challenge. This is because alliterative reviews generally do not get many votes, and so coming up with special ones would be a good achievement.

People are more than welcome to post their existing reviews, although I rather more have in mind trying to think of new ones. I think that people should only post those they consider their best, not just all the ones they have.

This will be a completely open-ended challenge, due to the delay in approvals and the fact that inspiration does not come at will. Good luck!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Falken Posted - 02/20/2010 : 23:40:53
Just realizing that I don't use alliteration that much...
demonic Posted - 05/01/2009 : 01:19:28
I had a quad alliteration approved recently (Morkeleb's most challenging version of the quad that is - the same four letters beginning all four words) and figured the best place to share was here!

The Last Detail

I also dug out some from the past year that didn't appear last time I entered this challenge (over two years ago... can it be?)

Some threes:

Horton Hears a Who
and its twin A Christmas Carol

And some standard first letter alliterations:

Sophie Scholl
The Silence
The Wrestler
Larry Posted - 07/13/2008 : 01:13:27

I'm a little late to the party, but I brought gifts:

Forbidden Kingdom

Bounty Hunters

Meet the Spartans

Black Bounty Killer

Eddy Duchin Story

Yellow Streak

History of the Joke

Billy the Kid Versus Dracula

Salopian Posted - 07/11/2008 : 18:30:22
On the Serengeti one, I'd suggest just transferring it to a different film about zebras. (If it's from after 1997, you'll need to change Zaire to Zambezi or something.)
Salopian Posted - 07/09/2008 : 23:17:59
Originally posted by Mr Savoir Faire

I haven't voted for it though, because technically there are no 'xebecs' in the film. Xebecs were made in the 16th century, whereas this is set in about 500 BC.

Ah, interesting. When I looked them up at the time, they seemed to fit the requirements. I'll have to look into more detail (i.e. whether xebecs can be considered a descendant of ancient Mediterranean ships), but I'm happy to accept that they may be categorically wrong. The distinction is at least as close as the many e.g. species inaccuracies on this site; whereas I do care about animals, I don't care about vehicles.
I'm also not sure how Xanadu relates to the film. Are you referring to the Chinese place? Or are you referring to the sense of the idyllic place? sparta was by no means ideal. They had so much imperfection and they were always trying to improve. For instance, in an ideal place, there would be no need for baby-killing.

I indeed mean in a metaphorical sense. Sparta was certainly not ideal, but the Spartans (especially as portrayed in the film) pretty much considered it to be. It's their attitude to it to which I am referring. The imperfect babies are not treated as being an actual feature of Sparta, but rather as something to not be allowed into its society in the first place.
Mr Savoir Faire Posted - 07/09/2008 : 20:10:38
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Mr Savoir Faire

A Quadruple X!

Nice -- almost as nice as mine.

I believe they were written on the same day, or at least the same day you posted you had a pending X. I haven't voted for it though, because technically there are no 'xebecs' in the film. Xebecs were made in the 16th century, whereas this is set in about 500 BC. I'm also not sure how Xanadu relates to the film. Are you referring to the Chinese place? Or are you referring to the sense of the idyllic place? sparta was by no means ideal. They had so much imperfection and they were always trying to improve. For instance, in an ideal place, there would be no need for baby-killing.

In this I simply name 3 places that make up the Serengeti and list an animal that lives there.
Hhmmm, not really. It's in North-West Tanzania.

Hmmmm. I'm going to consider deleting this one as it is inaccurate. After looking it up, Serengeti does extend into Kenya and all these countries (or regions) border one of the two (or once did). Still, it is not as good as my other 'Z'.
[matt] Posted - 07/09/2008 : 16:12:25

Oh yeah I just looked. Well it serves that person right for not thinking about their review as much as they should have! haha
Salopian Posted - 07/09/2008 : 16:00:07
Originally posted by [matt]

Just had a look through your reviews, awesome job on the multiple 'American Beauty' puns!

Oh thanks. Been through all yours too.

Yeah, got a bit carried away there. My original one is the best, but as you're new I should in fairness point out that it is not original itself but an edit of another review for The Elephant Man; it was just begging for it.
[matt] Posted - 07/09/2008 : 15:15:55


Just had a look through your reviews, awesome job on the multiple 'American Beauty' puns!
Salopian Posted - 07/08/2008 : 09:53:43
Originally posted by [matt]

Hook (I'm particularly proud of this one because it has 'P' words with every vowel for second letters)

Hard Candy


Good stuff. I even liked the There Will Be Blood pun (not in this category, I know). It is ages since I have liked one of those, as there are so many on the site now.
[matt] Posted - 07/07/2008 : 19:39:19

Hi guys. I've just had a look through my reviews and realized that my best three alliterations are all 'P's! I seem to have a strange penchant for 'P'ing haha.

Hook (I'm particularly proud of this one because it has 'P' words with every vowel for second letters)

Hard Candy


Feedback/votes would be much appreciated because I'm new here!
Salopian Posted - 07/06/2008 : 19:39:06
Originally posted by Mr Savoir Faire

A Quadruple X!

Nice -- almost as nice as mine.
In this I simply name 3 places that make up the Serengeti and list an animal that lives there.

Hhmmm, not really. It's in North-West Tanzania.
Mr Savoir Faire Posted - 07/05/2008 : 19:00:11
I'm really late to this.

A Quadruple X!

Explanation: Xander was the name of the agent XXX in the first film. When the agency can't use Xander again, the decide to copy him ('Xerox' is an informal word for copying) using the rapper named 'Xzibit'.

A quadruple Z! (And as an added bonus, the first review for this film i found on fwfr)

In this I simply name 3 places that make up the Serengeti and list an animal that lives there.
Gentleman Ghost Posted - 05/24/2007 : 19:17:46
I forgot one. I think this one was my first.
Tori Posted - 05/13/2007 : 02:22:08
I've got several that were passed within the past two weeks...

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