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 MIHAI Round 1

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Koli Posted - 03/28/2007 : 13:47:10
Thanks for the invitation to start the next round, which I've called Round 1 because it follows Round 0 (or o).

I feel slightly at a disadvantage, because I don't know the origin of MIHAI (a European Union acronym, perhaps?), but in essence you are encouraged to post a link to multiple reviews for the same movie. After a suitable period of exposure we'll identify the person who has gained the most votes for one of their reviews, and they will have the honour of starting the next round.

Letters to numbers, eh? It's all Greek to me. I'm about to reveal my ignorance on the review isolation front (again) as well. When I have more time I'll try again, but for now:

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 04/07/2007 : 13:09:30
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Koli

Bafta's is now up to 6, so I'm ready to concede.

You're a gent and no mistake.
Uhm ... do I win a trip to Rio

How's about I post a new round on Tuesday, in case everyone else isn't glued to their 'puters over the holiday w/e?

Fine by me. I suggest we have a deadline of the Wednesday of the following week to give everyone plenty of time.
Koli Posted - 04/07/2007 : 13:07:46
Originally posted by demonic

I don't remember now! I think 4 or 5 votes for each review?

If you click on 'My FWFR' and look at your list of recently voted reviews it should give you the answer.
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/07/2007 : 10:19:35
Originally posted by Koli

Bafta's is now up to 6, so I'm ready to concede.

You're a gent and no mistake.
Uhm ... do I win a trip to Rio

How's about I post a new round on Tuesday, in case everyone else isn't glued to their 'puters over the holiday w/e?

Koli Posted - 04/07/2007 : 09:18:41
Bafta's is now up to 6, so I'm ready to concede.
Beanmimo Posted - 04/05/2007 : 10:59:00
Bafta and Koli battle it out so far!!
BaftaBaby Posted - 04/05/2007 : 06:44:08
VOTES FOR DRACULA: all started out at zero
Count Frank's teeth sank. = 2

Frank's fangs and bangs. = 5

Langella's allure: bloody biting. = 3

Yukon Posted - 04/05/2007 : 04:03:34
I think the most I had was 3 new votes.
chazbo Posted - 04/05/2007 : 03:14:19
My highest was 4 for 'Begins Kafka, ends Welles'.

demonic Posted - 04/05/2007 : 01:34:56
I don't remember now! I think 4 or 5 votes for each review?
Koli Posted - 04/04/2007 : 16:44:22
Here's my results (all for Wimbledon [2004]):
Dunst risks being seeded. 19 (5)
Bettany nets ball-breaker. 12 (5)
Wimbledon improved by shower. 11 (3)
Dunst desires grand slam. 10 (2)

Total number of votes appears first, then in brackets the number of new ones.

In my case the first two tied for most votes, though the Bettany one made the biggest percentage increase. Thanks all who voted.
Tori Posted - 04/03/2007 : 16:15:48
How do we find out which movie we have the most reviews for?
lemmycaution Posted - 04/03/2007 : 14:10:25
Been through them all. Two votes each for my three All About Eve reviews. It was a bumpy night.
Beanmimo Posted - 04/03/2007 : 13:40:05

Voted on all your spreads,

My Highest

Island, The 2005 Clones brave New World. 4 new votes.
Koli Posted - 03/31/2007 : 18:21:40
Originally posted by chazbo

The 'Begins Kafka, ends Welles' review is still applicable to the movie, though.

Originally posted by demonic

Nearly all of Kafka's work was unfinished apparently, in terms of unfinished chapters or sections within the novels, but I'm pretty sure the end of "The Trial" as it stands is the ending he had in mind - there are no answers as to why K is on trial, the same as there are no explicit answers why Gregor Samsa has his unusual experience. For such a brilliant writer it amazes me that he wanted all his manuscripts destroyed when he died, and thankful that his friend and editor decided against it.

I agree with both of those sentiments. Sometimes dying wishes are begging to be ignored.
Koli Posted - 03/31/2007 : 18:16:12
Talking of endings, shall we conclude this little exercise on Wednesday evening (21.00 FWFR time) to coincide with other contest deadlines?

That could be the time by which we all need to work out which of our multi-reviews scored best. Then the one with the highest score - no cheating, now - would start the next round. (Remember, it's not just your conscience you need to worry about; benj can check your figures even more easily than Santa can spot your indiscretions.)

Edit: fiddled about with to bring it back to Active Topics

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