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 Seans FYCTH Round 284

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 03/19/2007 : 05:57:24


Sean says

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 03/24/2007 : 10:33:20
Originally posted by Mr Stupid

Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Mr Stupid

I don't understand Koli's review. Is there a sentry involved? Does he/she actually turn? or is it just a pun on the year the film was made?

Mainly the latter. I'm making assumptions about the details, but drilling is likely to involve army types marching and turning, which is wonderful preparation for the ceremonial duties of a sentry doncha think?

Thanks. Now i've voted.

Mr Savoir Faire Posted - 03/23/2007 : 22:10:23
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by Mr Stupid

I don't understand Koli's review. Is there a sentry involved? Does he/she actually turn? or is it just a pun on the year the film was made?

Mainly the latter. I'm making assumptions about the details, but drilling is likely to involve army types marching and turning, which is wonderful preparation for the ceremonial duties of a sentry doncha think?

Thanks. Now i've voted.
Koli Posted - 03/23/2007 : 19:12:49
Originally posted by Mr Stupid

I don't understand Koli's review. Is there a sentry involved? Does he/she actually turn? or is it just a pun on the year the film was made?

Mainly the latter. I'm making assumptions about the details, but drilling is likely to involve army types marching and turning, which is wonderful preparation for the ceremonial duties of a sentry doncha think?
Koli Posted - 03/23/2007 : 19:10:10
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Koli

Done, dusted, and off to watch the rest of the film on TV that's interrupted by the news so there's just 20 minutes more to see. Bah humbug!

Me 2
Some good laff-lines, but pretty ho-hum, doncha think?

Well I could watch Jennifer Aniston washing her hair and I'd probably have a good time. I agree that it wasn't anything special. I've forgotten most of it already. I thought JA was better in that than she was in ... [you know, that one where Jim Carrey has to stand in for God for a while ]. Edit: Ah, that's it: Bruce Almighty!
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/22/2007 : 01:59:51

Cheese Ed, your Star Trek Disco Generation: Saturday Night Pon Farr was priceless and deserves more votes. Maybe not everyone knows enough Trek lore.

I was also enamoured of Sludge's The Nativity Story review: Nail Rider. I supposed everyone knew it stars Keisha Castle-Hughes, of Whale Rider fame?
demonic Posted - 03/22/2007 : 00:50:02
Originally posted by rabid kazook
Did you like Land? I somewhat did, but I don't think Romero can measure up (moviewise) much these days.

Not much. Found it very safe and the characters very dull indeed. Not got great hopes for this new one, or the remake for that matter - the trailer really doesn't do it any favours... but we shall see.

BaftaBaby Posted - 03/21/2007 : 23:37:22
Originally posted by Koli

Done, dusted, and off to watch the rest of the film on TV that's interrupted by the news so there's just 20 minutes more to see. Bah humbug!

Me 2
Some good laff-lines, but pretty ho-hum, doncha think?

Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/21/2007 : 23:23:23
lemmycaution Posted - 03/21/2007 : 23:23:02
Veni, vidi, voted.
Koli Posted - 03/21/2007 : 22:57:47
Done, dusted, and off to watch the rest of the film on TV that's interrupted by the news so there's just 20 minutes more to see. Bah humbug!

Would you believe it? They interrupted the film for 30 mins of news and then showed the last TEN minutes. The bastards at ITV announced that the final part would run from 11.00 to 11.20 (a pain but just about acceptable). But then they showed commercials and previews from 11.00 to 11.10. The film resumed at 11.10 and finished, in line with the schedule, at 11.20. May all their camels starve in the desert.

[Only a moderate quality rant, but I feel better now.]
randall Posted - 03/21/2007 : 19:31:52
Conan The Westy Posted - 03/21/2007 : 19:25:04
Salopian Posted - 03/21/2007 : 09:38:29
Originally posted by M0rkeleb

It's a pun on Hosanna in the highest

Mr Savoir Faire Posted - 03/21/2007 : 05:10:34
I don't understand Koli's review. Is there a sentry involved? Does he/she actually turn? or is it just a pun on the year the film was made?

MM0rkeleb Posted - 03/20/2007 : 21:13:18
Originally posted by Salopian

Thanks. I'm missing the religious half of this one now...

Originally posted by Mr Stupid
Paddy C- Toyota Prius

It's a pun on Hosanna in the highest: see Matthew 21:9.

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