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 Se�n's FYCTH #1000

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 02/13/2014 : 11:33:21
FYCTH #1000!!!

Four Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt
Se�n Sez: Vote or die!

--> Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
--> Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
--> Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
--> Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
--> You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
--> The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at noon, FWFR time, whichever comes next.

It's not quite ten years later (some inconsiderate person didn't design the earth's orbit to give us a nice round number of weeks in a year) but it's getting there. For those who weren't there or want a nostalgia visit here's FYCTH #0001. (It says Round 2 but that's because Round 2 was added to the end of the thread, from Round 3 a new thread was started each time.)

So I guess it shows that it was a good invention! If people are still writing reviews then they probably like a bit of exposure for their reviews, so they enter FYCTH. Let's see if we can get another thousand rounds in! And a special welcome back to those who've been absent for a while.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
[matt] Posted - 02/19/2014 : 00:33:38

V&V. Loved Sludge's "Russell crows." and Koudy's "Inside Jobs."

Originally posted by Salopian

Welcome back,{matt}. Already 4/5 from me: the Ledger, ink and no ones are all awesome.

Cheers. Great one for The Levi Strauss Story.

chazbo Posted - 02/18/2014 : 15:57:33
Thanks for your comments earlier, Salopian.

V&Ved all.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 02/18/2014 : 12:45:42

Congrats FYCTH!
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/18/2014 : 09:37:06
Thanks so much, Sean, for hosting this milestone. I for one hope all the much-missed fwfrers from the past keep popping in!

The new round is open to all

Salopian Posted - 02/17/2014 : 20:58:56
Thanks to everyone for joining in, and especially those who helped with my three 10s, the first I've had here -- or at all -- in a very long time.
Salopian Posted - 02/17/2014 : 20:56:53
Originally posted by [matt]

Help these 19-voters become 20s.

Welcome back,{matt}. Alread 4/5 from me: the Ledger, ink and no ones are all awesome.
Rovark Posted - 02/17/2014 : 17:33:52
Originally posted by [matt]

Wait for me!

Help these 19-voters become 20s.

A deadly spirit is unleashed through the tattoos in The Tattooist.

1000 rounds... That's incredible. Cheers to Sean for starting this game all those years ago, and thanks Salopian for notifying me via the FWTO thread.

Too late, they're already all 20's

V + V'd all the same
BaftaBaby Posted - 02/17/2014 : 16:53:36
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by [matt]

Wait for me!

Help these 19-voters become 20s.

A deadly spirit is unleashed through the tattoos in The Tattooist.

1000 rounds... That's incredible. Cheers to Sean for starting this game all those years ago, and thanks Salopian for notifying me via the FWTO thread.

Helped the one I could!

Ditto [matt] and how great to see you here!

lemmycaution Posted - 02/17/2014 : 16:31:43
Originally posted by [matt]

Wait for me!

Help these 19-voters become 20s.

A deadly spirit is unleashed through the tattoos in The Tattooist.

1000 rounds... That's incredible. Cheers to Sean for starting this game all those years ago, and thanks Salopian for notifying me via the FWTO thread.

Helped the one I could!
[matt] Posted - 02/17/2014 : 13:06:48

Wait for me!

Help these 19-voters become 20s.

A deadly spirit is unleashed through the tattoos in The Tattooist.

1000 rounds... That's incredible. Cheers to Sean for starting this game all those years ago, and thanks Salopian for notifying me via the FWTO thread.

BaftaBaby Posted - 02/17/2014 : 11:19:56
Originally posted by demonic

Originally posted by BaftaBabe
However, ahem, the word prevaricate - all too often mistakenly used to mean delay - actually means to lie. You just may want to reconsider ... just sayin'

Yes, good point, although it still makes sense Hamlet - certainly "speaks or acts in an evasive way" throughout in his antic disposition, but I did mean procrastinate when I subbed the review, of course. Probably the same mistake most people make. I will edit in due course.x

You're a gent and a scholar! Where are you off to? Nice R&R after your Broadway triumph? Let us know. ;)

1 fwfr is worth 1000 views
Lotsa votes, too!

demonic Posted - 02/17/2014 : 08:47:50
Originally posted by BaftaBabe
However, ahem, the word prevaricate - all too often mistakenly used to mean delay - actually means to lie. You just may want to reconsider ... just sayin'

Yes, good point, although it still makes sense Hamlet - certainly "speaks or acts in an evasive way" throughout in his antic disposition, but I did mean procrastinate when I subbed the review, of course. Probably the same mistake most people make. I will edit in due course.x
demonic Posted - 02/17/2014 : 08:43:20
VV and extra votes applied to all entrants - how great to see so many - we're here when you want to come and see us folks. (oh except for the next couple of weeks - I'm hitting the road for a bit, but will try and check in as and when I can.)
lemmycaution Posted - 02/17/2014 : 06:29:11

So nice to see so many old FWFR friends. Hope many stick around.
lemmycaution Posted - 02/17/2014 : 06:23:23
Grasshopper, you are sorely missed!

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